I have recently chosen to have a bible study with the JWs because I have recently met several JWs who have inspired me by their goodness towards others. I have been married twice, divorced once and now recently separated. None of my marriages ended due to adultery on either side. What I would like to know is that if I become a JW in the future what is my position then..... am I able to marry another JW or will I always be classed as a married woman even when legally divorced?? Before bible study I was unaware of the JW grounds for divorce.
Can a prospective divorced member marry another JW
by zilla 16 Replies latest social relationships
Ask the JW's who want to 'study' with you.
BTW, you will be studying a book and only using the Bible to support what the book says.
I would suggest a thorough outside inspection of the Watchtower Society before you decide to get baptised into their organization.
Legally divorced or not, you will stil be married in the eyes of Jehovah according to thier teachings unless you have two or more witnesses account for the act of adultery or your ex comes forward and tells them that he has cheated. I know from experience, and believe me it can play some horrible mind games. PLease Please Please do research on the Witnesses other than recognizing a few kind acts before diving in, and if you have children involved take it easy on them and don't make them convert, it will hurt them in the long run.
On top of what others have said...
I would have to wonder about the mindset that Watchtower rules and laws supersede what the bible says... Why not just see what the bible says on the matter and let that guide your concience if that's what you're looking for?
Jehovah's Witnesses will quickly fill your life with man made rules and regulations, I would think now on the implications of that before you're too deep inside.
Than you for your advice at this stage I am just getting to know more about what JWs believe. And yes the most sensible thing would be ask the person who is doing the study with me. I guess I just felt a bit embarrassed to ask..it's not like I'm planning on getting married a third time. But it would mean I would be living a celebate life with maybe no chance of ever marrying again if I was always to be viewed as a married woman. Even though before I committed myself to baptism etc I was unaware of these principles....and they had happened in the past unknowingly. I would have thought from the day I became a member everything in my past would be wiped and I would be starting afresh.
tall penguin
"I would have thought from the day I became a member everything in my past would be wiped and I would be starting afresh."
You'd like to think so but jw's don't work that way. Please do your research on the watchtower society and the jw religion before getting baptized. Have a look around this site and also www.freeminds.org. It sounds like you've already been through an awful lot of stuff in this life. Joining a cult is the last thing you need.
Welcome to the board.
tall penguin -
What I would like to know is that if I become a JW in the future what is my position then..... am I able to marry another JW or will I always be classed as a married woman even when legally divorced??
Yes and no. Yes you will be considered still married if no infidility has occured. However, you could marry a witness and get a JW Divorce. Get married, get disfellowshipped, cry a lot and in 6 months to a year you will be reinstated. Or option 2 marry an elder who's wife has divorced him (no spiritual grounds) because of 30+ years of mental abuse. Being an Elder he is in the "Good ole boys club". Have the elder claim at the Judicial Meeting that his former wife denied him his maritial due that she had no right to do so and that he had no choice but to commit fornication and remarry. Likely he and you will be only put on "Public Reproof" and by the way you might as well get married.
Think I'm kidding, it happened to an Elder cousin of mine.
Hi zilla, and welcome to the forum
Apart from the jw rules on marriage, I would take a lond, hard look at what you might be letting yourself in for before you commit yourself to becoming a jw. There are many rules in that organisation that they won't even make you aware of until they get you baptised. They encourage you to ask questions while you are studying, but try asking questions once you're baptised - you are expected to obey every rule then without questioning. If you ask too many questions then you will be disciplined.
there are plenty of places to do research on the jws available - this forum, freeminds, silent lambs, etc. Please take a good look at them before you commit yourself,
If you choose to abide by JW rules, there are two situations which would allow you to acceptably remarry in their eyes. 1) Your ex-husband(s) have died, 2) It can be proven that your ex-husband(s) have committed adultery. A third option is that you lie about whether they have died/committed adultery. A fourth option is that you don't continue the BS (that's 'Bible Study', but can be taken any way you like).
Just speculation, but it would also be wise to consider whether beginning the study with the Witnesses is to fill an emotional need as a result of loneliness or emotional distress after separating.