Help needed in getting df'd

by Tras 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tras

    If a witness wanted to get DF'd by asking questions, what questions would you suggest? I got my fiance out, but the problem is now with her family. First thing, we want to get her out of those meetings. Her mother would be furious at the society if she were df'd for asking questions, so that is the approach we want to take before attempting to get her family out. What questions would you suggest of her to ask in letters to the Watchtower and to elders? The quicker she's df'd the better.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Tras, and welcome to the forum.

    Your girlfriend will probably find that if she questions a few of the wts' major doctrines, she will be viewed as an apostate, which virtually guarantees her being df'd. She could also question their policy on child abuse, which clearly doesn't work, She wouldn't be popular with the elders if she did, particularly if she did a bit of research on silentlambs beforehand.

    I hope this helps


  • greendawn

    Welcome Tras, you can question the 607 date since everyone other than the dubs believe Jesrusalem fell to the Babylonians in 587 BC. Also why they never call Jesus Lord as the Apostles did, or why is the Great Crowd on earth when it is depicted as being in heaven or what happened to those that believed the end was near back in the 1960's and 1970's and never went to university though capable of doing so.

  • Tras

    If anyone could give me some sample questions that would be great. The child abuse I think would be good because she has a family member that was abused before becoming a witness, that hits close to home because her family is sensitive to that.

    Thank you

  • Satanus

    Question if the wt is really god's org.

    Question if field service is really necesary.

    Question of jesus really came in 1914.

    Btw, is it 100% guaranteed that her mother will side w her, and not the wt?


  • sspo

    The Watchtower is not being used by GOD, it's just another religion.

    You say thar to the elders and you get what you're looking for.

  • carla

    Here is a list of 101 questions for jw's-

    I'l let the exjw's answer if they are good questions or not. Otherwise I have heard that asking about the wt's involvement in the UN is usually a way to get in hot water. The pedophile issue, the 607/586 date, the failed prophecies dating from 1874, Christ's presence since when? see all the dates on that. etc..etc...etc...

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Here's a few questions that my boyfriend sent to a work colleague who'se friends daughter was taking an interest in jws:

    How is it that a person can be disfellowshipped for smoking a cigarrette, yet a person who abuses a child is allowed to remain in the congregation because there aren't 2 witnesses to the act, when anyone with any sense knows that child abusers don't wait until there is a witness to their acts?

    Why, in many cases, do the elders themselves attempt to deal with a report of child abuse in their congregations, and fail to report such things to the proper authorities, ie police or social services?

    Why, when relatives of abused ones, or abused ones themselves, go to the authorities, are they disciplined, and even disfellowshipped, whilst the perpetrator of the abuse is allowed to continue as a jw in good standing?

    Why do jws insist that the destruction of Jerusalem took place in 607BC, when historical evidence proves it was destroyed in 587BC?

    Why, after condemning the UN for so many years, did the wts associate with that organisation between 1992 and 2001, only withdrawing when they were exposed by the Guardian newspaper?

    How is shunning people who leave an act of love, when this action has been known to divide families and even lead to suicides by those that are shunned.

    I hope these are helpful Tras. Keep us informed on how it goes.

  • Tras

    She believes so. She said her mother would never stand for it because she's asking valid questions. We already have one letter from the watchtower calling her spiritually weak basically for asking questions about the blood issue and the new light on organ transplants and vaccines. We did late last year using a fake name. An elder came to my work (That's the address we used) and asked for her, I said she quit and moved, but that I would e-mail her and have her call. She talked to him on the phone, and he said that he was just making sure she was really a witness before the society wrote back. So now, we want to try this approach.

    She recently visited her family, and her mother had just found out that there was a child molestor in their congregation that was moved to another. Her mother was really upset about that.

    By the way, she and her mother are the only two that are baptized in the family. Her father is not. Her sister and brother are 16 and 7 I think.

  • BluesBrother

    You do not get disfellowshipped for asking questions.

    You can only d/f for "apostasy" which is flatly contradicting the Society's teachings . Asking q's places one in the category of the spiritually weak , not yet wicked .

    I have had the same thoughts as you. It would suit my purpose quite nicely to be d/f'd for such a non-reason - then my wife might be so angry that she leaves too. So I have tried . I have had meetings and discussions with representatives of three congregation's elders. I have questioned , I have reasoned on the answers . I have pointed out the UN scandal . I have sent e mails in which I have questioned everything , even quoted "apostate" sources of info on the blood issue.

    All to no avail . They are not interested either in 'helping me' or in seeing me as apostate...

    It seems I would have to do something specific, like openly approach the rank and file publishers and tell them how wrong they are. trouble is that then at home I would not be seen as an innocent victim, so it would strengthen her resolve in the Borg and that is not my intention....

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