The WTS fornicating with CESNUR

by greendawn 44 Replies latest jw friends


    Didn't they just pass a resolution at the assembly this summer not to get involved in these kinds of issues??? Another example of speaking out of both sides of their mouth again...


  • Kudra

    So they're still involved with this group?

    How exactly did the person who brought this involvement to light "get threatened with inprisonment" and by Mormons AND JWs? That doesn't make sense. Why would Mormons care if JWs knew if their own organization is involved with this group?

    That sounds sort of conspiracy-theory-ish...

  • AlanF

    Just to clear up a point, greendawn, the ex-JW who was threatened with a lawsuit was David Reed, who for many years published a small newsletter "Comments from the Friends". So far as I know, Reed was threatened only by Massimo Introvene, founder of CESNUR, for claiming that Introvene and company were members of "vampire cults" when in actuality they were members of something called "Transylvanian Society of Dracula" which apparently is some sort of tongue-in-cheek 'historical' society. See Reed's webpage here:

    Nevertheless, the Society's involvement with CESNUR is really no different in principle from its cynical involvement with the UN, because as soon as Reed publicized the Society's upcoming attendance at the 1998 CESNUR conference, its three delegates suddenly became too ill to show up.


  • greendawn

    Alan thanks for clarifying that point. The issue with CESNUR is that they refuse to accept organisations like the JWs and the scientologists are cultic and destructive in nature and ascribe all the bad press on them to disgruntled ex members. They are seeking to oppose governments like those of France and Germany that are unsympathetic and deeply mistrustful of such organisations. Yet most ex members know that these are dangerous, deceitful and wayward cults however the US government seems to back them in Europe on the pretext of protecting freedom of speech something the JWs for one totally suppress for their members.

  • slimboyfat

    Are Jehovah's Witnesses not allowed to defend themselves, and use mean available to that end.

    Honestly, the Society "fornicating" with CESNUR - apostates need to get a grip.


  • jwfacts

    The WTS has always had involvement in politics, the worlds legal systems and commerce. They proudly boast about the huge impact they have had on the rights for people in the US through their court winnings. Rutherford wrote to Hitler. Recently the Australian Bethel sent representatives to the Official Committee Hansard attempting to gain recognition and change in blood law.

    I never noticed as a JW, but now I can not understand how the WTS feels it can be involved in politics as an organization, but individuals must stay totally free.

  • greendawn

    "Are Jehovah's Witnesses not allowed to defend themselves, and use mean available to that end." SFB, it's the double standards that are at issue here, CESNUR or UN, you know that any R&F member can readily get DFed for getting involved with political organisations for any reason. Otherwise no one would care. Given their positions it's astonishing how they went into the same bag as the overtly occultic New Agers.

  • slimboyfat

    I groan at the stupidity of having to explain this, but here goes:

    Surely you can see there is a difference between a Jehovah's Witness getting involved in politics and the Society using a secular organization to defend their right to free worship.

    The distinction would be clear to any Witness not tainted by years or reading apostate bile. Jehovah's Witnesses will in good conscience do whatever "furthers Jehovah's interests", including using secular organizations and governmental agencies to their own ends. This can in no way be compared with a single Jehovah's Witness getting involved in politics for ends unrelated to "the Kingdom".



  • greendawn

    I still can't see the point of bending their own rules even to further the so called kingdom interests, as if someone has put them in charge of these. Why compromise and where do you draw the line? These issues amount to fornicating with satanic organisations as they see them. It is a grave issue, going to bed with the devil to promote kingdom interests. A R&F member may argue that he wants to become politicised to improve things to be a good influence. Politics just like a camera is not intrinsically bad is what you make of it.

  • tijkmo
    The member is invited to the judicial committee[viii]. The member can leave anytime he or she wants to.

    and suffer the consequencies

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