I had an interesting encounter today, actually my son and I both. Well my good intentioned ex-husband and father of my son thought he would have the local congregation Elders call on us and try to get us back to meetings. Well I had been getting literature from this local Elder's wife without her knowing I was ever a JW. We just played the role of worldly interested people so we could keep up on current information. Now understandablely my ex-husband had good intentions but it rather back fired. Up until now getting literature was sinche and it caused no problems for anyone. My son is disf'ed too.
Well here come this local witness husband whom I found out was an Elder, along with a another Elder I'd met one time. Well they said they like to call on folks who are disf'ed to see if they can be reactivated. I asked them how they knew I was an ex-jw, but they didn't tell me. I figured it out later because my son had told his Dad I got magazines from a local witness sometimes.
Well disfellowshipped people must get literature from the KH and they must attend meetings to get them. They will not let me get them anymore, and it was vital for me to attend meetings if I wanted to read the magazines. I asked them how reasonable that is since literature is freely given to worldly people every day. To reactivate a person wouldn't they need to have the literature to keep up with the teachings? They claimed that is the rule of the Society, and then we got into a lengthly but polite discussion about the organization, blood policy, child baptism and various other topics. They stayed about an hour and I just told them that if we decide to come we would. I not say no never would we come but at present we were uninterested. I left it on polite and respective terms because they were kind and respectful with us. Basically they said we were always welcome to the hall and hoped we would have a change of heart. I said when I see the changes in some of the policies I would certainly consider it. (Yah like that is going to happen. LOL LOL) Little did they know that I had used all the information I'd gathered to help others to leave. Oh well now I'll have to find another avenue if I want current literature to examine.
My son Dirk jumped in and questioned them too which was awesome. Clearly they are so rule driven. The Elder did tell me something I didn't know and that is that Elders can't just look up confidential information from a judical committee decision. I don't believe them but they claimed the files are sealed to everyone outside the men on the JC meeting.