Going out in field service monday thru friday 9 till noon, knocking on empty doors while most people are away at work. Knowing no one will be at home. Why is there not a massive effort for evening witnessing when you know most people will be home and able to be reached. An entire congregation could pioneer full time with evening witnessing. I mean the end is near, why do they hesitate going the extra mile.
Why don't JW's change their failed methods of witnessing...
by zeroday 25 Replies latest jw friends
I think because the formula of just having the R&F contribute money works just fine for higher-ups. They have to know that everything that they preach is bogus, but as long as they keep the minions contributing, it's all good.
There has to be more to it than that. These people live and breath this message. If they truely did believe they would do anyting in their power to reach as many people as possible. Pioneers go out week after week on week days knocking on empty doors knowing no one will answer and yet they continue year after year with the approval of the CO and the society. There has to be some sort of reason behind their behavior. It defies reason to stick to a system that is a failure. These people are not devoting their entire lives for a system of witnessing that is a utter failure.
kitten whiskers
Here's my 2 cents on that.
They're already strapped as far as they can go. Most of those out during the day are older housewives, elderly, fresh out of high school, or Young mothers. They have to cook when they get home, wash clothing, kids homework, etc. etc. It is pushed in certain congregations. We used to go out as young pioneers sisters in the evening 6pm-8pm during summer. Even though it is still light out, it feels safer to work return visits during this time. That way, you know who is behind the door. (Of course my experience was before everyone had a cell phone handy to call for help).
Time wise, there are only three nights to spend at home with your family. There is great demand on your time. Many young pioneers also work nights so that they can have the time to pioneer during normal hours when others are out. Some phone witness at night. I have seen so called 24hour witnessing done. That is where groups from several kingdom halls get together and work all night businesses to contact the employees and truckers and such that keep unusual hours and would be sleeping during the day.
I can't think about this anymore. Too depressing. I'm going to bed.
I must have put in 10 hours a week door to door when I was a kid in the 50's. We had door to door 1 hour before the Tuesday night book study, 2 1/2 hours backcalls on Wednesday nights, 2 1/2 hours door to door Saturday mornings, 5 to 6 hours Sundays and then meetings were Sunday nights all spring, summer, and fall.
That just plain sucked. -
That's a good question and I think the answer is that it's a way to keep control over the rank & file. This "action" on their part makes the rank & file more committed in some fundamental way. If door to door goes away the level of fundamentalism of the JW's goes away.
Door to door works... when it is done at the right time of the day. JW's do it when most people are working and living fulfilling lives. The people JW's find at home are usually retirees who do not have a fulfilled life, depressed people who can't function in a normal environment, people who are poor and have to rely on government assistance. In other words, the type of mark that the Watchtower Society is targeting.
Going out in field service monday thru friday 9 till noon, knocking on empty doors while most people are away at work. Knowing no one will be at home. Why is there not a massive effort for evening witnessing when you know most people will be home and able to be reached. An entire congregation could pioneer full time with evening witnessing. I mean the end is near, why do they hesitate going the extra mile.
Don't know what kind of congregation you were in but in my old congregation we did Morning, Afternoon and Evening field service. The response was usually the same no matter what time we called. Mornings, kids were being taken to school or parents were both at work. Afternoons usually people were out and about picking and picking kids up from school. We were often encouraged to do evening work it came up often in the Kingdom Ministry items. Evenings usually we usually did anywhere between 6pm to 8pm. But then people were having dinner and didn't want to know. Or in some areas people just didn't come to the door unless they were expecting someone. We also had blocks of apartments with security doors, about 6 of them. Unless someone opened the main door for you, you never got in, so that was about 12 homes you never got to call on in each block. " An entire congregation could pioneer full time with evening witnessing " not were we were they couldn't and we were in an area with many many homes. Also it was a struggle to get any brothers/sisters to come out in an evening.
Saturdays an Sundays by the time I left were getting really bad. You could do whole street and be lucky to speak to 6 people. People these days were going out for weekends.
It`s not about Witnessing..It`s about going to meeting`s,and having you`re pockets picked on a regular basis..It`s so smooth,you can`t even see it...OUTLAW
Don't know what kind of congregation you were in but in my old congregation we did Morning,
Pioneers monday thru thursday 9am thru 2pm. No one home at all. No friday witnessing at all. Saturday morning 9 till noon. That's all. Sunday call for service either before the meetings or after, you could count on one hand the number and still have fingers left. Definately not a priority. And yet every meeting the Elders would get in their ivory towers and condem everyone else for not doing enough in the service to JEHOVAH. They of course would go home to their families and would not lift a finger to do anything beyond the accepted path. YOU know, knock on empty doors.