
by evita 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Another Gary Busselman fan here! If you enjoy his posts, you should read his brillint "Armegeddon Okies" stories.

    "This has been a goofy week here. We had a congregation Hall cleaning day and when we was done there wasn't any paint left on the South and West sides of the Hall or under the back window on the path to the men's outhouse. We know the apostates was here again because we found a pair of women's panties under the back porch and some very reliable evidence of someone taking a firm stand on the porneia issue. Brother Noze said we should take that back porch and back door off the Hall anyway, especially after the Society has brought out that they are against rear entry.

    That bubble butt sister Stout was the cause of some heated debate among the brothers after the back yard rock picking was done. Every time she bent over to pick up a rock her dress would hike way up and her underpants would show. That was bad enough except some apostate had written "Why 1914?" with a laundry marker on them and when she bent over there it was, "spiritual pornography" of the worst kind."

  • Gill

    Gary's info on the WTBTS was one of the first sites I ever came across!

    It is the humour that Gary deals with the 'Watchtower Problem' that made me see the ridiculous of the 'religion/cult'.

    Thanks Gary!

  • Dismembered

    I concur. Garybuss' perspective, and wit has caused me to almost fall off my deskchair, more times than one. I'm glad he's here


  • garybuss

    Hey! What's the deal? I go sleep for 7 hours and come back and this thread is still on top?

  • blondie

    I concur that 'Uncle' Gary is awesome, proof that people can escape the WTS without the Internet. The Busselmans are an awesome couple too.


  • moshe

    Must be that South Dakota climate that makes a warped sense of humor!

    Ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd,
    But you can be happy if you've a mind to,

    Ya can't have your mind in a Kingdom hall,

    but you can leave and be happy, if you've a mind to!

    have a wonderful day Gary!

  • AlmostAtheist

    OMG, it's a "we love Gary Buss" thread! About damn time!

    Yes, I've always appreciated Gary too. Not just because he's funny as all git out, but because he has a magical ability to shred the crap from whatever it is I'm trying to say and say it back to me in its raw form. In that form, it's much easier to see if I'm being an idiot or not. (Actually, I don't recall any "or not" situations, but that's another story...)

    Thanks Gary, you da man!


  • IronClaw

    Thanks Gary just for being here. I have enjoyed and probably will continue to enjoy your posts.

    The Claw.

  • under_believer

    My favorite Gary thread is the bittersweet and fascinating photo album he posted. I have gone back to it several times. Don't miss it: Me and my brother and our guitars (pic)

  • juni

    Thanks Gary for all of your good information and your humor!

    You're a great guy!


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