A few folks have kindly asked how I've been doing so I thought I'd post a short update. (I had throat cancer this summer)
As for me I've been out of radiation for about 5 weeks now. My throat is still sore and my taste buds are not working very well and I now have three
They are going to check me every two months for the next 3 years to watch closely for a re-occurrence. If they find anything funny they will go with head and neck CT scans.
I would get treated at about 3:30 each week day, come home, sleep, get up and be around then go to bed on the couch for the night. I was gagging so much from the dying saliva gland that I would sleep on the couch so my wife could sleep.
Due to missing part of the afternoon I would work most weekends to keep up with what I had to do at work, but some Saturday's I would just sleep all day.
I just don't have the energy I did have. Working on the house yesterday was a real chore.
Thank you so much for the positive thoughts and the Tuesday Vigils. It really did help knowing that folks were thinking of me. Some days (especially the first 2 weeks after the news) were pretty rough emotionally.