A little background....
I was a dub from age 7 to age 18 or so. My first love was a girl at a local hall. We will call her T. As a young witness in good standing I did everything by the book, group dates, little sister shaparone, stealing the occasional kiss and felling guilty about it. T was the love of my young life. So much in fact that I bought a ring and asked her to marry me when we were 18. She accepted the ring but would not wear it because her mother didnt like me. It appears that I wasnt "spiritual enough". After that things were never the same and it was at this time that I was begining to ask to many questions of the elders and got on thier shit list. My love decided to ditch me for a another guy her mother and the elders approved of.
I was f%^&^%$g crushed and devastated and this helped me to leave the borg sooner than I would have.
Flash forward 25 years.
During the preparations for my wedding last year my mother (still a dub) gave me T's brothers phone number, perhaps thinking I would invite him since we were friends years ago. I did not but I did call him and ask about his sister. He told me that she and her second husband had a resturant in the town I grew up in.
Today I had a little time and decided to stop in and say hello after 25 years. I sat and ordered a sandwich and asked the waitress to tell T that an old friend would like to say hello. She came out and was blown away. She left the borg some years after I did and has a son now. She was very busy and somewhat upset at the surprise (bad or good I cant say). We talked briefly and I left.
Here are the weird parts...
The first thing she said while tears filled her eyes was " I had a dream about you three days ago"
The second thing is several hours later while I was driving home there was a dirty mini van driving in front of me. Someone had written in the dirt with thier finger. It said "Jehovah and Jesus forgive us for what you and I did and he loves us"
I am a card carrying Agnostic Skeptic and this shook me so hard I cant breathe.