We all know that JW's don't make friends out of their religion, but in the JW religion, can members have close friendship with the other sex?
My experience in the Org. makes me say NO.
I remember one cold winter, I was waiting for a brother in his driveway, and my car was warm, and his wife was waiting for someone to pick her up in front of her home, and since I waiting in the entrance waiting for her JW husband to come out of the house so that we could leave in my car, so I told the sister, his wife, who was waiting in the cold, to sit in my warm car while her lift arrives, so she finally sat in my car, but when her husband came out of the house and saw her in my car with me alone, although she was seated in the back, he told her, why are you alone with him.
Gee, they both knew me since years, and we were good friends. She even cut my hair once every 2 months, but never when she was alone. She would tell me to come later in the day when the children would be home.
She said, I trust you, but what will the neighbors say if they see you enter my home, when my husband's car isn't there...
Back then, there was no internet. I wonder today if a single brother could chat with a single sister just as friends?
If the elders found out, they would probably say that it's dangerous and could lead to sin....
So, JW's can't have friends outside the org, and cannot have everyone as friends inside the org.
Or, how about in the field service, when I had to do extra mileage to drive a sister back home first so that she wouldn't be alone with me in my car...