Wow! This is a really interesting topic. There is some really powerful ammo here for me to show my JW wife.
Free Fallin, a hearty welcome to the board. I'm glad you started this thread.
I have a question for the peanut gallery: Does the Society still knock the UN in their publications? What's the most recent edition of Awake/WT to be critical of the UN. I'd like to show my wife their change in policy. Thanking you in advance for the help.
I asked my witness friend about this. He didn't know about it. He said it was okay to be a part of the U.N. to avoid taxation(? Strange because I didn't mention taxation so maybe he knows more than I thought he did about some of the other skunky behaviors exhibited ny the organization). Even though he said it was "taking advantage" of the system, it was okay if it furthered preaching work. The he told me about the bible saying it was okay to lie or some other thing like that.
Bottom line: you give them the newsflash and the organization still ends up smelling like roses, I guess.