Hey, can anyone get me a great Armageddon Image? -- I seem to have lost my Paradise brochure and I need one for a Philosophy project tomorrow. I know Danny Haszard usually drops the one into his posts, the one with the woman falling into the crevice, does anyone else have the ability to find or put it on here for my use?
Armageddon Imagery
by JimWood 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
See if some of these links will work.
http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/2003_learn_from_great_teacher_p243.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1997_wt_sept_1_23_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1992_does_god_care_19_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1988_revelation_233_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1988_revelation_127_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1992_does_god_care_22_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1992_does_god_care_22_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1988_revelation_285_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1985_life_how_234_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1985_wt_feb_1_6_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1984_wt_mar_1_17_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1982_enjoy_life_28_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1977_life_purpose_141_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1965_impossible_god_lie_363_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1958_paradise_lost_208_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1958_paradise_lost_209_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1958_paradise_lost_209b_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1958_paradise_lost_208-209_close_large.jpg http://www.baznica.lv/Ro/Mulders/WachtowerQuotes/scans/1958_paradise_lost_208-209_large.jpg Cheers! Atlantis-
Thanks, those are all great!
After looking at those images you have to wonder if the JW God is like Allah, who also likes burning down buildings with people under them.
If Jehovah is this viscious, who the fuck needs Allah?
I'll second that .
Jehoover already caused a flood and killed everybody by drowning. Imagine the TERROR!!!
God could have just given everybody a lethal injection with no big TERROR DRAMA
God again promises he's going to nuke em but can't use water this time. It'll be shake and bake.
It was the pictures in the old "Paradise Lost..." that frightened my wife when she was 10 yrs old into wanting to become a JW. Some JW had left the book with her parents and it made a big impression on her.
Funny how the omnipotent power of the universe must resort to creating a gigantic drama of a production using tornados, earthquakes, hale stones, and balls of fire to eliminate human life. Couldn't he in his unlimited power and intellect just make everyone drop dead from a cardiac arrest? Oh, no, no. That would be too quick, clean, and humane. Gotta go for the gusto when it comes to taking human life. I guess the Watchtower Society has Jehovah confused with Zeus.
The picture from the brochure enjoy life above is a blast from the past. Does anyone know where I can get scan of this brochure???
Notice the quote up top, then look at the lady in the background who is carrying a (what looks to be lifeless) little girl. What, she refused to stop sticking her bubble gum under the chairs? So she needed to be destroyed?
I grew up on thos pixs from the Paradise book. What a horible way to teach your children.