New Urban Legend! Anyone heard about Hormel?

by gaiagirl 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    Wwwhwhwhwhat - you mean you can actually get chilli in a can over there? I don't care what its sexual preferences are - that sounds amazing!

  • Dansk

    I was diagnosed with cancer. Would you have a cup of tea in my house? It could be catching?

    My haematologist, a really good guy, is gay. Does that mean his putting his hands on and examining me will make me gay?

    What a load of...................heck, where's that lovely Brad Pitt?


  • lovelylil

    And to think we thought gays were born that way - when it was really the Spam and homosexual chilli.

    How can anyone say that with a straight face? LOL Lilly

  • daystar
    you mean you can actually get chilli in a can over there? I don't care what its sexual preferences are - that sounds amazing!

    Yeah!! But Wolf Brand is much better than Hormel, IMO.

  • RunningMan

    Well, you can never be too careful. Just look what happened to New Orleans, simply because Ellen Dejeneras calls it home. (That's Pat Robertson's claim, by the way).

    I would hate to pop open a can of spam, look inside, and find that I was a woman trapped in a man's body.

  • done4good
    This whole rumour reminds me of the story about Proctor and Gamble some years back.

    I somehow remember something about that. Anyone care to elaboate what it was about? My memory it sketchy on this, but I seem to remember it having to do with a "Satanic" symbol used in thier logo or something.


  • RunningMan

    The procter and gamble story can be found here:

    The gist of the rumour was that their logo indicated satanic ties:

    P&G's "man in the moon" logo as proof of the company's ties to evil. They see in the curlicues of the moon man's beard an array of 6s and believe that by playing "connect the dots" with the thirteen stars in the logo, three 6's can be made to appear.

  • RubaDub

    Hormel, the makers of canned chili and other foods, is run by homosexuals

    Phew ... that explains it. At least now I know.

    I always thought that the "sauce" stuck to the top of the cans had a particularly odd taste.

    Rub a Dub

  • done4good

    Thanks, RunningMan, my memory wasn't too far off.



    If you eat any Hormel products,you`ll turn Gay!..It`s True!!..Look what happened to Ian..He just read about Hormel products and he`s turned into a Brad Pitt bum pincher,probably wants a little smootch too..

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