My Mini Van was stolen last night!! (long)

by ButtLight 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    I was raising questions. Any inferences are not put there by me.

    I fully accept that NO ONE should EVER move someone elses car. I have had exactly the same done to my bike once (but not at school - at someones house. Their son moved the bike and never mentioned it when I came back into the house crying because I thought my bike had been stolen. We didnt find the bike until the next day 0 in their shed!. I had to get a lift home, while the son who had moved the bike sat in the kitchen watching me cry and phone my partner for a lift home).

    Im just questioning whether sueing would be the best idea. Personally, I would make a written compalint to school, to the Local Education Authority and move my son to another school. And I wouldnt lend my car to a person who leaves the keys inside. But I think sueing is a sledgehammer to crack a nut. And I think saying the car was stolen is not quite true.

  • ButtLight
    But I think sueing is a sledgehammer to crack a nut. And I think saying the car was stolen is not quite true.

    I agree with that. I am not one to sue anyone unless I would have a real good reason for it! And as far as stolen, NOW we know it wasnt. Last night we didnt. He went there when it was dark, plus it was pooring down rain, the car wasnt where he left it, and he couldnt see it parked down inside the ramp area.

    What the heck? I just got a call from my son, he went to go pick up a copy of the police record, and they didnt make one, and have dropped it!

  • jaguarbass

    Ian, I wouldnt sue either, I got better things to do with my time besides ramming my head against a brick wall. In the end it will be a he said she said and the judge will say get out of here your wating my time. The keys were in the vehicle. That puts the plaintiff on thin ice.

  • whyamihere
    What the heck? I just got a call from my son, he went to go pick up a copy of the police record, and they didnt make one, and have dropped it!

    Honey, you live in one of those towns where the cops get away with alot. I know how you feel. I used to work in a town like that - I was pulled over so many times because I was leaving a bar @ 2am. Well, no sh*t, I was a cocktail waitress. I have walked the line, did the sobriety tests one after another almost every weekend. I wasn't guilty of anything, just the fact I drove a nice car at a young age and I didn't suck up to the cops.(as my father told me)

    Onetime, they pulled me over "again", he asked "Ma'am, breath, blood or urine." I said "No, thanks I am full" Needless to say my hands were on the hood of my car with in a few seconds. I still laugh about it, mainly because he has no idea that I had friends too. I called up a friend of mine in the police force in the next town(calling as my hands were on the hood of my vehicle). With in a few minutes, I was asked to leave and there would be no charges.

    You'll just have to take it up the arse or move.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Your proprer recourse for this matter is most likely the School Board . Call a Board member tell your story get corroboration from any other school member that has had this same problem . Voice your concern that the school authorities have not satisfied your Question 's on why it is considered okay for a school employee to ( "steal ") hide YOUR vehicle . Talking to the Board explaining why this is an issue that needs addressing to set the right example for your son seems to be the sensible approach. It really doesn't matter if he left the key in the van or not . # 1 ) Lot was not clearly marked as a no parking zone . # 2 ) Moving your vehicle w/o your permission was wrong . #3) A school employee did not have the right to take the law into their own hands . An apology is all your really looking for right . That is not to much to ask .

  • Finally-Free
    My Mini Van was stolen last night!!

    I wonder why no one has addressed the most critical issue of all here. Why the hell would anyone want a mini van in the first place?


  • juni

    Just what you need hey buttlight w/all of your concerns w/your mom too.

    I, too, live in a small town pop. 2000. People ALWAYS are leaving their engines run when they go into a store. Insurance will not pay if something happens to that car because the keys were in it. Also, if no permission was given to the driver (which it wasn't) if they would've hit someone or thing your insurance would not cover. Only if you give permission for someone to drive your car will insurance cover. So these are insurance facts of Wisconsin that you might remind the Board.

    I would take it up w/the school board w/your pictures of the supposed Teachers Parking spot. Any other facts or pics you have about the situation bring them along.

    If you don't get anywhere w/those idiots (excuse me) then go to Wisconsin's Superintendent of schools. I think it's a female now.

    As far as the cop goes, talk to his superior, Chief of police, and let him know what happened.

    Wish you well.


  • ButtLight
    I wonder why no one has addressed the most critical issue of all here. Why the hell would anyone want a mini van in the first place?

    Lmao, umm, when I bought it way back when I thought I was in heaven with three kids. Now I feel I would have been better off if it really was stolen!

    As far as the cop goes, talk to his superior, Chief of police, and let him know what happened.

    My son asked if we could make an appt. with him, the answer was no, its been dropped. I will call myself!

  • katiekitten
    An apology is all your really looking for right . That is not to much to ask .

    Agreed. An apology would go a LONG WAY to pouring oil on troubled waters. Sadly its the very last thing big organisations ever thing of doing, and that is really maddening. Which, I suppose is why people feel their only recourse is sueing, and because people sue its why no-one ever says sorry anymore (cos its 'admitting liability' sigh).

    Honestly, sorry is the very first thing one human being should say to another when a wrong has been done.

    (now heres a suggestion, - why dont you get a couple of big strong lads to go to school and move a couple of teachers cars a few feet to the left - just enough to freak them out? Then when they squeal like indignant pigs say 'oh we were told moving other peoples cars without permission was OK')

  • ButtLight

    I guess if "yeall" lived in this hick town, you would understand my point alot easier. I wouldnt even want the guy who moved it to get into any trouble. Im just that way.

    But this isnt about Chris anymore. This was my vehical, and now if for some reason anything would come out of this, they took my proof and tossed it in the garbage! I feel I have the right to request that a report is made, whether I decide to pursue this or not.

    I know how they are around here! I even have spoken to an attorney a few months ago about the fact that I feel my son is a target, and he said the judge does not take kindly to this stuff. (Getting tickets by mail for failure to yeild from a stop sign, when there was no stop sign nor a cop there) This is just another thing to add to that! "were not going to pursue this because of your past!"

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