The JWs still blind to the implications of the 1995 generation change

by greendawn 44 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • greendawn

    In 1995 the WTS as time finally caught up with them, they had to yield to the inevitable and admit that its hitherto interpretation of the so called 1914 last generation was erroneous. To all intents and purposes the end was indefinitely posrponed it could be centuries away according to the new explanation.

    Yet the R&F do not seem to realise these implications and are apparently suffering from collective blindness they still believe the end is as near as it was before 1995, just round the corner. How do the GB do this, they even urge the youngsters to give up any university plans because any degrees will soon be pointless. Their R&F do not seem to be very intelligent and the FDS exploit this weakness of theirs. It's the classic example of mind control at work, taking advantage of wishful thinking.

    Do you have any comments, personal experiences or those of others on this issue?

  • Dansk

    Hi Greendawn,

    I was in conversation with an elder shortly after the generation change came through in a Watchtower. He told me that the society denied ever inferring that this present generation would still be alive when the big A came, but that this was totally untrue because he had an outline for a talk where it expressly said that the 1914 generation WOULD be alive at the time of the big A (and their publications also state this - Live Forever book, for example).

    So, what did the elder do? He's still there crowing over the R&F. This proves that it isn't that they CAN'T see, they just DON'T WANT TO!!


  • lovelylil

    Can you say "cognitive dissodance?". I truly believe that it is too painful for many of the r&f to admit they have been duped by the org. and they know their whole world will crumble around them. Since they have not built up a support group or personal relationship with God outside of the org. , they just go through the motions pretending all is fine when it is not. Because doing anything else (like leaving the org) would be too traumatic for them.

    The last convention my hubby and I attended a few years ago - there was a brother on the platform who was talking about the 1995 change. This is his exact words "It was at first hard for me to change MY wrong view of the meaning of this generation. But upon prayer to Jehovah and direction from the faithful slave, I eventually let go of MY long held view and accepted the truth of what this generation means. Thank Jehovah!"

    I immediately looked to my hubby and he looked back at me. Then I said with the loudest voice "what does he mean HIS wrong view? The society taught that in all their publications and told us to teach it too". We all know this was not a personal view. We looked around and no one else seemed to be affected by that statement. After that part we left and never went to another brainwashingconvention.


  • Emma

    I don't quite understand the non-reaction. I imagine my sisters embraced the "new light." I did wonder, though, how my mom took it. She joined the borg for the promise she'd never have to die and would greet her dead parents and brother in the new system. She died this summer.

    Will they ever reach the point where the changes are one thing too much?

  • enlightenedcynic


    This organization provides the r&f dub with something that he or she is missing in their life. If the dub is afraid to make challenging decisions in life, the org pretty much will make up your mind for you. To most r&f, the society makes living life in this world less scary. So then, the average dub will continue to blindly follow their "mother" and be fed "meat in due season" because they cannot even begin to imagine life outside of the org. Unfortunately, one of those blind r&f dubs is my wife!


  • fullofdoubtnow

    That's the wts for you, Greendawn, they always have a new story ready for when time runs out on an old one.

    I remember being slightly perturbed by the change, as were many others, but within a few months most of us had accepted it and carried on. It's not lack of intelligence that is the cause of it, just blind acceptance of the infallibility of the fds, brought on by years of indoctination.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Yeah this is something my family hasn't even considered, without the previous interpretation of the word generation, there is no reason to believe that it will come any time soon, it could still be another 1000 years away.

    Am I correct in that assumption?

    Honestly I'm not even sure they know that it has changed. I didn't think much of it but just about a year ago he said that armagedon will come before all the annointed die off.

  • Dansk
    Then I said with the loudest voice "what does he mean HIS wrong view? The society taught that in all their publications and told us to teach it too".

    Yes, and if you questioned it at the time you risked being reproved or disfellowshipped. But what do they do, change it and call it "New Light".

    I recall an MS coming up to me and saying "Have you seen the new thought in the latest mags!", without a single condemnatory tone!

    "Leave it with Jehovah" is a phrase I could vomit over. Actually, I think I will


    P.S. I met a couple at the recent BBQ at Englishman's who had served for around 50 years. The husband had been a PO. They exited once they knew of the generation change. Considering their age, the amount of pioneering they'd done and having left all their friends behind I truly respect them. It just goes to show that some older ones will leave after seeing through the lies.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I think that they allowed the issue to die down by not mentioning anything about 1995's Generation change, focusing on other things, then started applying gentle pressure again to keep JW's doing what they always should be doing.

    Doctrine that is not constantly repeated is forgotten.

  • greendawn

    Hi Dansk, even the chickens know that the WTS was proclaiming for decades up to 1995 that the 1914 generation would never pass away before the end arrived. A JW would get in trouble for objecting to that idea and many did. Then suddenly that literal generation that was 80 years long according to them became a figurative generation that is already nearly 2000 years old and may get to be another 2000 years old, who knows? It's the sum total of all those that refuse to obey the gospel (isn't the FDS among these I wonder) regardless of when they lived or will live.

    As lovelylil and others have mentioned it is a case of cognitive dissonance and a case of infantile unrealistic desire for security in a rough world, evading death, old age, disease and oppression is too good a dream to forego and the manipulators at Brooklyn know that tendancy well and they exploit it. Yet at the end of the day it is only a bait and denying reality will only cause problems.

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