by enlightenedcynic 13 Replies latest social humour
I'm guessing it's so private we're not allowed to see anything!
Since Im not a dude, and I invited?
Now crank up the Tunes and start Shaken your Bacon!...OUTLAW
So I am getting off from work about a week ago and I pass a park close to Bethel where Bethelittes play some pick up b-ball during lunch and after work. I am dressed neatly although be it in my work clothes(I am a truck driver) and I enter the park and see a full court game with some Bethelittes, and about 5 guys waiting on the sideline.(trust me, I KNOW they were from Bethel!!) I ask the guys on the side who has next and they tell me that they have their team already but that I can have next after. Cool! The ongoing game continues on for about 25 minutes, pretty long for a game that goes to 16 points...lots of blown layups and missed shots, I should have left then! Anyhow, finally the first game finishes and the team that had next goes on. As the game progressed, one brother asks out and one of the guys who just lost subs in for him. Then another brother comes out and yet another bro. subs in for him. This continued until the 5 who had lost the first game, were back on the court. The game was tied at 16 and they decided to play to 21. The game was tied at 21 and they went to 25 straight as we say in Bklyn. The game finally ends and I ask who lost so I can pick up a team. They ALL start to change clothes and pack up their things. I asked one of them why they didn't tell me almost an hour before that they would be leaving and he said with a smirk the words contained in my subject line. I looked at them all and just walked out....yeah thats true Christian kindness on display there!!!!
ec -
Sorry about the prior mix up!! ec
That was pretty rude of them EC, but thats when you could have said, "Well, you all sucked anyway". You obviously took the better road, but then you're probably a better person than I am. :)