cog questioned: anyone else noticed that OpenFireGlass is now a 25 year old woman and Good Girl Bad Girl is now a 33 year old man?
I recognize GeeGeeBeeGee's new avatar...its half nekkid OFG. I'm wondering if OFG's avatar is GeeGee? LOL
Re poor little tiny elfin Prince: He's completely screwed up. I'm sure he was screwed up before he made a deathed vow to become a dub and now he's really twisted. What upstanding, Jehover-worshipping, holy dub even contemplates entering a strip club in the first place (unless they want to see women strip and then they'd be in disguise or at least wouldn't call attention to themselves)? Why would anyone go someplace where they had to ask the people working there to stop doing their job? He wants to continue living his life as he always has, going to the places he's used to frequenting, while expecting everybody else to make changes to suit his new conscience. Its a novelty for now and kind of amusing but if he keeps it up these clubs are going to start requesting he take his entourage someplace Dairy Queen.