Issuing a Statement to the Discussion Board
Since becoming a member of this discussion board it
is important for me to come clean as it were. Although,
the topics that are written by me are varied, from contro-
verstial to antagonistic and everything in between, there
is a motivating reason for such topics.
Why do you write the articles that you do?
SImply, to inspire good conversations, provoke certain
feelings of animosity, and to get a general feel for the
audiences outlook on certain matters.
You have made enemies with some here
Truthfully, if that is the case let me begin by apologizing
to those who I have truly offended. Sometimes, it takes
a little flame to get a fire roaring.
The over all good of the discussions
What I hope is taken into account is the over all
good of the discussions. Quite a number of in-
dividuals have given me compliments concerning
the topics of discussion and I would like to thank
those who have done so. In addition, we have
learned allot from each other through the topics
My personal feelings
As a group we laugh, we cry, we get angry and we
agree or disagree; but I have felt closer to some
individuals on this discussion board in less then
2 months than I have in 14 years in the organization.
The Wanderer