read this guys doesnt this sound soooo familiar to us whom have left the organisation?????
OMG look at this site I can see how the WT works now this is so true!!!!!!!
by nelly1 20 Replies latest jw friends
Excellent summary. JWs often read Hassan or Lifton and don't think it applies to them due to the technical nature of some of the terminology. This breaks it down very simply, and is easy to see JWs fit. Of course a devoted JW will think they are just being victimised and the Devil is trying to blind people to the truth.
That is a really good essay. I strongly recommend for everyone to read it.
I didn't read it all, but I saved it to read later. It looks well worth reading.
I got as far as this, and it so reminded me of the jws:
Cult leadership is feared. To disagree with leadership is the same as disagreeing with God. The cult leaders will claim to have direct authority from God to control almost all aspects of your life. If the cult is not a religious group then questioning the leaders or program will still be seen as a sign of rebellion and stupidity
Thanks nelly for that
Thank you so much for this! I really like the way it is worded. I will certainly be using this and quoting it often!
Its VERY well written... Cults for dummies!
cult leaders will tell you can only be "saved" (or can only be successful) in their organization alone. No other organization has the truth, all others miss the mark. So it is not the belief system that decides your future, but it the belief system AND your membership with that particular group.
When you first go to a cult they will practice "love bombing", where they arrange instant friends for you. It will seem wonderful, how could such a loving group be wrong! But you soon learn that if you ever disagree with them, or ever leave the cult then you will lose all your new "friends".
Cults also try to cut you off from your friends and family because they hate others being able to influence you.
In a mind control cult any information from outside the cult is considered evil, especially if it is opposing the cult. Members are told not to read it or believe it. Only information supplied by the cult is true. One cult labels any information against it as "persecution" or "spiritual pornography", another cult calls it "apostate literature" and will expel you from the group if you are caught with it.
Mind control cults keep their members so busy with meetings and activities that they become too busy and too tired to think about their involvement.
Most of the larger cults will be mentioned by counter-cult organizations like Cultwatch, and commonly many ex-members will have posted their cult involvement stories on the net.
Other ways…
Old publications by the group. Often the older cults have predicted the end of the world or changed their beliefs significantly, hence their older publications become a danger to them. For some of the older cults people have produced books of photo copies of these changes. -
thanks guys, as soon as I read it I thought oh my goodness that is soo spot on I sat and tried to apply how I saw things in the organisation and what they did to me when I was new and also after I was baptised etc, oh my goodness it was right on the button big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes please use this to help any ones who may be leaving or to encourage ones who are suffering and still in that guilt/fear cycle, my heart goes out to all of them. so glad that I was able to do something positive to encourage others, hugggggsssss :)
Their definition of a cult seems right on target. However, as you look closer into the "Cultwatch" site it seems the owners are "evangelicalish", and perhaps cultlike themselves. This of course is my opinion and it may be just a product of being so burnt out by the Society that I don"t trust anyone anymore.
Thanks, Nelly,
I didn't read it yet, but from the "reviews" you are getting, I can see it's a keeper.
Can't wait to read it.
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