jw videos

by BlackSwan of Memphis 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Ok well we're doing some cleaning and I came across a stack of videos:

    Noah: He walked with God

    Respect Jehovah's Authority

    Our Whole Association of Brothers

    The Bible: A Book Of Fact and Prophecy Volume 1 Accurate History, Reliable Prophecy (I have 2 of these)

    The Bible: A Book Of Fact and Prophecy Volume 2 Mankind's Oldest Book

    Jehovah's Witnesses: The Organization Behind the Name

    I hate throwing things out if I can find another use for them.

    Is anyone interested?

  • Jourles


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis


    I've never ebayed. Is it trustworthy? Great idea, I have to say. Thanks!

  • arwen

    Would you really want to share that stuff with other?

  • mouthy

    No thank you !!! threw all mine in the garbage. To dangerous to give to others in MY opinion

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Arwen, I suppose I was thinking along the lines of any former jws thinking they might find some use for it. Dunno what, we have some pretty creative people around here.

    The garbage could be dangerous too! I have heard of people finding the "truth" after finding watchtowers and awakes in the garbage.

  • mouthy

    Yeah we heard alot about that too didnt we. The one I like the best was the wife (JW) was arguing with hubby) Not a JW) about the Troof... He threw all the books out of a high rise apartment It hit some one on the pavement on the head.... Guess what????He read them all & came into the ARK>>>Or better still waht about the man who swam a Crocodile infested river to get to the assembly.... LOL

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    Yeah we heard alot about that too didnt we. The one I like the best was the wife (JW) was arguing with hubby) Not a JW) about the Troof... He threw all the books out of a high rise apartment It hit some one on the pavement on the head.... Guess what????He read them all & came into the ARK>>>Or better still waht about the man who swam a Crocodile infested river to get to the assembly.... LOL

    Oh good gracious! I really remember the one about the guy who swam the croc infested waters. I always felt horribly guilty for missing meetings and assemblies. I would tell myself, "If the poor people in 3rd world countries are wading through croc infrested waters to get to an assembly, you can drive your car there, missy!" Wonder if that was even true?

  • juni

    Everyone has heard about the crocodile infested waters!

    That goes waaaaay back.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    get a hammer and bash them just like they had bashed their trash in our heads 5 meetings a week

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