Clergy and Dog Collars

by brutusmaximus 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • brutusmaximus

    Is a Minister only such when in a pulpit?

    Not at all but does the garb make him more worthy of respect than one without? I know it's a busy life and many do good and commendable works but did Jesus and his follwers go to Uni and get a theology degree? They were simple men maybe even jannys at the local school who knows.

    and at least they get training, rather than being untrained janitors!

    Training in what? I don't go to the meetings now but I didn't mind giving talks in fact the "training" I got serves me well now in my job where I have to present to large groups, it is the only bit I didn't mind.

    Please don't take it the wrong as written text doesn't always protray the correct emphasis but I am enjoying the banter

    My goodness....when you think about it...don't the JWs take home the biggest award when it comes to the "we are God's chosen people and completely superior to ALL OTHER religions" category?

    I agree with this one as well, how high and mighty were we and we didn't have a dog collar on


    I don't know how to do the wee white box thingy sorry

  • LittleToe

    It appears that the garb has certain connotations to you, that may or may not be in accord with the rest of the population. I suspect you're right, in that some like to lord ot over others, though that's not been my general experience.

    The training is often in pastoral work, counselling, Hebrew and Greek, higher criticism, and rational thought. Ministers are far better able to discern what the Bible has to say than we ever were with an Awake! education. That isn't to say that they aren't instilled with their own biases, of course, but at least they have a better idea of where those biases lay.

    I'm enjoying the banter, too. The quotes tool is the one that looks like a speech bubble, to the right of the smiley emoticons button

  • brutusmaximus

    I'm enjoying the banter, too. The quotes tool is the one that looks like a speech bubble, to the right of the smiley emoticons button

    I have the box but it's not going in, story of my life

    LT I look at the Pope down and look at the garb they wear, they profess to be god on earth but would he delight in how they look? Is it really needed? does it bring you closer to the big yin (not billy connolly by the way) wearing fine clothes in his name?

    I am not obsessed about it but it just bugs me a little when I see them as it does when I see others who claim to represent god. I agree totally about the blind tower education on the bible but there were some practical points that I have found very useful in my work place, not I might add anything to do with the scriptures


  • LittleToe

    Setting the pope-on-a-rope aside, for a moment, as a special case: Do you really think God cares about what clothing people wear (good, poor, uniform, rebellious)? It would denote a bit of a petty deity, to me.

    I have the box but it's not going in, story of my life

    You need to highlight the text with the mouse, first, then click on the button

  • brutusmaximus

    I give up on the bubble thingy it's not playing

    Hmmm does god care what you wear? Of course not, but if you say you represent him then yes if you believe in god then I think he would care. Now I know you might say, surely with all the other stuff going he wouldn't bother but it's all about what is being done/practiced in his name that counts surely?

    I mean take a poor wee woman in Glasgow who hasn't got two pennies to rub together but she is there every Sunday and pops her money on the plate. What does she think when she sees the priest in his fine expensive clothing? I don't know the answer maybe she thinks great I am helping in the work of the lord or maybe not.

    An off duty serviceman doesn't walk about with his/her uniform on so why should a man of the cloth?



  • LittleToe

    Maybe it never crosses her mind.

    Maybe he's never off-duty

    On the last day, will not the teachers be more reprehensible than others?

    Might as well let them have their 15mins of fame, if that's what turns them on

  • brutusmaximus

    If there is a last day then yes if they didn't guide the flock correctly

    At the end of the day LT I guess we should be taking care of ourselves and let others get on with it, I mean the churches are doing what they think is right JW's included by the way.

    I'm off topic now but why did god give us free will if we can't use it does that not seem cruel? I raised that with an elder and he said use it with in the confines of the truth? That was the whole problem though the confinement and not being able to think and make choices.

    Perhaps I do judge the clergy for what they wear but I don't lie awake thinking about it thankfully

    All the best


  • LittleToe

    You have free will???

    Surely as much as the moon is bound to this planet, and this planet to our sun, so our footsteps are confined to a certain vicinity.

    Just attempting to get you to lay awake at night

  • brutusmaximus

    You don't have to do that the mortgage works just fine for that thanks

    I have more free will/ thought than I have for a long time. I don't answer everything with a dub knee jerk reaction thankfully

    I walk on sand LT so as each tide comes in they get removed


    Goin to get my mince and tatties now


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