I got this from the Reachout Trust website. This is what a JW poster said the other day about the new tract campaign:
I was wondering when reading the new tract (KN37) after last nights meeting how this will go down on the doors. Quite a tract!
I suppose because we are told to "keep the territory sweet" be nice and non-confontational this one really caught my eye - This tract doesn't have quite the cosy message of previous tracts. It is much more - an alarm bell message - a real revelation trumpet blast and quite to the point too. In the tract it mentions homosexual marriage - the churches tollerance of it. I just wonder if this may inflame and cause some arguements... I also wonder how people will feel - say they are a born again - or catholic- or Muslim - being told in no uncertain terms, 'you're wrong' ??
So at least this jw has realised that, if someone of another faith reads the tract closely, they may get a little upset. I imagine most of the tracts might go straight in the trash anyway, but it could be interesting what the reaction will be if anyone takes the message to heart.