this weekend is the annual meeting in brooklyn. any ideas on what will be discussed?
annual meeting
by c.t.russel the IVth 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
maybe they'll discuss the great deal they just got on bulk-orders of incontinence pads!
Revenues are down boys, we've got to get them up! Let's start charging for the magazines again.
I reckon there'll be another 1 or 2 GB members due to the recent deaths, and Ted's heart problems.
I think they'll anoint a couple of younger ones and put them on the gb, and probably line up a few reserves as well, one or two of the geriatrics already on there look as though their days are numbered.
They might come up with a few new rules to bring into force as well, can't let the r&f get complacent.
darth frosty
The annual meeting is the most despised form of manna that the FD$ puts out. When I was at Bethel even the so called heavies did not pay much attention to the annual meetings. Matter of fact the only reason some bethelites would go is because going gave you an extra saturday off. Around 94 they change that arrangement and said if you wanted to go to the annual meeting you would have to burn your free saturday, needless to say there was a noticible decline.