MOve on!???

by Core88 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    here here, lady lee!

    CS 101

  • exwitless

    Core88-This topic has already been thoroughly discussed as recently as 4 days ago. Look up the topic under "Friends" called "When will exJWs/apostates get on with their lives?". You might try reading a little of the recent topics before you post an identical new one.

  • becca1

    Would you tell a depressed person the "get over it"?

    Many people here had no life outside the org. They will never fully recover and they need support. If you have nothing positive to share than maybe you should go to a different site.

  • Finally-Free
    MOVE ON!

    Yeah, ok. But forgive me if I move a little slowly. My knees and back are still fucked up from falling on the ice when I was in service.


  • unique1

    If everyone moved on (left the board), who would be here for the new ones that need help and encouragement while leaving?

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Anything is a plus from being in the WTBTS. Being on here is "moving on"!!!


  • Bodhisattva1320

    lady lee says it well- thank you lady

    would you tell a child born into an abusive cult to 'get over' their life- Not so compasionate mr. Dhammapada Mr. i read the bible on my lunch break- a little pious no?...i have observed a phenomenon of ppl being QUITE NONjudgmental on this board a beautiful thing! QUITE a triumph over our 'old ways of thinking' - open your eyes and see people healing and spreading the love

    people have deep layers- i have been out for 15 years - would you forget your childhood- would you just block all of that out (continuing to propogate ignorance??) and forget trying to sort it out when you have a chance to do it surrounded by people who have shared the same experience (something that should not be taken lightly) if not- i am sad for your inability to be vulnerable.

    best of luck with moving on

  • greendawn

    It can be helping other people or just enjoying exposing the deception of the WTS before other interested persons.

  • Warlock

    Move on in 1 year, after being mislead for over 20? If you can do that, then you don't need this board.


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    If you were born into it and spent the next 20 or 30 year having your head filled with the crap they teach you may have a little difficulty moving on.

    If one day you wake up to the reality that it is not the truth but your whole family still believes it it you may be a bit of a problem just moving on.

    If you aren't a jw but your spouse, child or parents have joined their ranks and your life is being turned upside down and inside out you may need just a little bit of support to get you through it.

    People come here for very complex reasons. Leaving the Watchtower isn't like buying a ticket to a baseball game and deciding you don't like baseball and never going again. Once the Watchtower is in your life no matter how got there it is just about impossible get it out. It will continue sticking its insidious nose into your business years after you have moved on.

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