Well, I live in Wichita. I guess that I could look up their phone numbers are ask my daughters if they ever heard of them.
Looking for old friends whom I miss dearly
by Chicken Chunks 15 Replies latest jw experiences
A Shannon and Mark are listed in the phone book.
There's a McElfresh in the phone book, but it's a man's name.
There's a Billy Littlejohn in the phone book but it doesn't say if he's the third.
AK - Jeff
Come on MsMcducket - phone books are old tech nowadays with the WWW. [just ribbin' ya']
Chicken Chunks
Well, I guess one out of 9 isn't too bad...I'll keep checking back to see if anyone recognizes the others on my list. Take care all!
Heya Chunks
I'm in Wichita myself and know Robin Morgan well. We are out of touch at the moment but he is easy enough to find. :D
I have not seen or heard from Alex in quite some time but I used to pioneer with his little brother, his name is escaping me at the moment.
I dont know the rest of them though.
Shoot me an e-mail some time and I will see if I can get a hold of Robin for ya.
WOW, lucky you. You got a friend reply already!
Billy Littlejohn III
Isnt he the pope? Try Vatican City.