King of tre North , King of the South , Babylon thr Great etc etc...

by youcanhaveago 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • youcanhaveago

    Aren't all these predictions , assumptions as to the identity of these all giant leaps of faith ?

    Doesn't the Bible says that the Book of Revelations meaning is sealed up until the end of times?

    Does the FDS class actually say it is inspired - do they talk to God directly ?

    I'm confused.

  • nicolaou

    Bin your bible and the confusion will soon start to lift.


  • Zone

    Eze chapters 33-39 will give you this answer. Also, Chapters 38-39 will give you a sence of what 'False Religion' (I admit, context cluses only, but the nations named are predominly Musulium Nations) will be crushed when they invade Jersulam.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    After doing research I find it amazing what is and isn't in the bible. Like there is no where in the bible where it talks about 'false religion'. It speaks of false prophets and the WT$ takes that and makes it a tool against other religions (mind you I know of few mainstream ones that have made the pridictions the WT$ has.)

  • headmath

    The WTS does not know who the king of the north is. but they won't admit it.

    If they were inspired they would know

  • plmkrzy
    Doesn't the Bible says that the Book of Revelations meaning is sealed up until the end of times?

    Daniel wasn't even clued in on when, but the wts thinks they are? Plus I'm not convinced it has anything to do with this century. According to some these things have all taken place already and have nothing to do with us. It's hard to weed out the authentic writing from the replacements. Especially if one isn't fluent in Greek or Ancient Hebrew.

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