Latest films you saw?

by greendawn 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I saw the Illusionist with Edward Norton, Jessica Beihl and Paul Giamatti. It has a nice feel to it and I like the twisting storyline. Cant say much or I'll spoil it for you. I think people will like it. Its filmed in a sort of psuedo sepiatone with the edges of the film looking a bit like jagged edges. It was supposed to look like an old movie projected with lanterns I guess. It works well enough. The movie is a mystery of sorts.

    See what you think. It's still in theatres.


  • garybuss

    The Straight Story

  • lonelysheep

    Today, I went to see "The Departed", starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson. Good movie!

    I hope Martin Scorcese (sp?) will finally win an Oscar for Best Director!

  • becca1

    We saw "The Departed" last night and it was awesome! Be aware that it's quite violent and has lots of bad language. However the plot is great and it moves at a fast pace. The acting could not be better. Jack Nickelson is always a treat and Leonardo Dicaprio has come out of his ugly stage and is a stud muffin once again. Two thumbs up!

  • divejunkie

    Walk the line

  • Quentin
    Downfall - a German film about the last 10 days of the 3rd Reich. Even with the subtitles it is a powerful viewing experience.

    Great flick, loved reading "Adolf Hitler" by John Toland...

    Saw Fly Boys today...not great, but entertaining...didn't regret spending the money...

  • Purza

    Last movie we saw in the theater: Little Miss Sunshine (very entertaining and funny)

    Last Netflix movies: Akeelah and the Bee and Inside Man. Akeelah is a great family movie -- very well done and good acting. Inside Man kept our attention the entire time -- definitely one I would recommend seeing.


  • cyd0099

    I can add my enthusiasm for Little Miss Sunshine and again for Departed (just got home from seeing that). I almost forgot about the Straight Sory. That is a really good movie, too!

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I went to the pictures last week to see 'Children Of Men' - I didn't enjoy it, in fact the person I went with was so bored they went outside during film for a fag (I only wished I was a smoker so I could have joined them).

    Last film I (partially) watched on DVD was 'Boogeyman' - I was glad when the phone rang during it so I could turn it off.........maybe I just have a short attention span?

    The film I WANT to see next is, ''The History Boys''

  • bebu

    Gary, that guy in the picture looks like he must be a relative of yours...


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