Lil- Yeah my gal is 14 also. She chose the dress and really did not get into anything I really liked. I guess I was thinking more of an audrey Hepburn pinched waist kind of thing. The one I loved and that she did also, cost way too much. So I had to compromise. I did not cry but almost when she was so mad that I may have messed up her hair. It really was not the style she wanted, but I misunderstood. She could not see the finished product in her head and for about 15 minutes I tried not to beat her about the head with a wood brush. Finally she got what I was trying to do and both of our tears dried up. I tried to understandm the closest I could relate was how my hair never acted right at assemblies when I really did not want it to be a big old afro. lol
Gweneth= That is funny about the shoes. Actually there were the cutest clear shoes yesterday, but I think she would have rather eaten them then wear them. So therefore the glass shoe joke. She is the one that tries to keep me with the times. I still think the other shoes were cute. I bet you are going to have fun. Start saving now for next year. That is what I say, for these things get expensive. I was on a budget and we really skimped and my pocketbook still hurt.
Serendipity. Thanks hon. We had fun. I am paying for it now. My head is pounding. I think I may go back to bed for a bit. I even got up early and made them waffles after staying up till 4:30 AM doing her photos. So I am pretty tuckered.