I'm lazy.
There, I said it. I didn't say "unmotivated" or "lacking direction" or any of the other euphemisms I typically apply to it. I said what I meant, and I do mean it.
But I can't imagine it HAS to be this way. Surely there's something I can do to combat it. Have you ever been lazy, and managed to overcome it? Or at least deal with it, and still accomplish things?
Understand, I don't mean "temporarily unmotivated", like everybody gets from time to time. I mean on a day-to-day basis, I find I'd rather sit idle than DO anything. I always related so well to that line in the Bible about the lazy one that puts his hand to the food bowl, but can't muster the energy to draw it back out again. That's totally me.
I find that when I imagine starting something, even something as simple as addressing an envelope, it becomes this huge hill in front of me that gets steeper with every step. It isn't like the closer I get to completing the task, the easier it becomes. To the contrary, the more time/effort I invest in a project, the HARDER it becomes to keep working on it. I do ok in the middle -- already started, not nearly done. It's the "getting started" and "finishing" phases that are uphill battles for me.
Any thoughts here folks? "Get off yer a$$" seems like an obvious one, but I'm looking more for the "I felt that way, then I did [something] and it got better".
So get off yer a$$ and tell me how to get off mine!!!