Nice work, nicely done video. After over twenty years working with RBC, I can say that. But it doesn't replace the failed and spurious doctrines. It reminds of a description of effective leadership I once read: It was an analogy of a very efficient team of managers and workers hacking their way through a dense jungle using machetes. “The leader is the one who climbs the tallest tree, surveys the situation, and yells, ‘Wrong jungle!’” The Governing Body provides very, very poor leadership, if any at all, for Jehovah's Witnesses.
KH restoration in New Orleans
by lostlantern 14 Replies latest social current
Thanks for all of your hard work, I found a few myself. I am sure they won't appreciate these links but I am going to send some anyway.
I noticed the chairs stacked outside were the same style and colour of the chairs in my old hall. My butt hurts from just remembering them.
Nathan Natas
It would be too bad if someone were to filch that video and repost it on GOOGLE or YOUTUBE with an approriate headline like "Only JWs Help During Emergencies - False Religions Do NOTHING".
Yes sir, it would be BAD if someone did that; it would be a terribly WRONG thing to do.
There are tons of groups of people that make things happen!!!!
The music just is sooooooooooo irritating!!
I know alot of people that have gone down there to work. It's hard work, the accomadations are not very good. I know a few couples who have slept in tents. Some areas have only recently been ok'd for people to go in and do anything. There were also deadlines for clearing out and boarding up homes or the property would be taken away from the owners.
I don't think any Katrina victim can say they have not gotten any help at all from someone.
I do think the Witnesses accounted for their own, and hopefully that relieved some other organizations from doing the work.
I sincerely hope that witnesses do not think they have the market on relief efforts or volunteers.
I myself did nothing to help Katrina victims.