Find Serendipity and Lola a man...or two

by lola28 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • avengers


    I'm in Orange County. You?

    I used to live in Orange county. Santa Ana, on Bristol.

  • zagor
    I'm not too picky, I just like anyone that is funny and likes music and basketball, I have a soft spot for tall guys. ** Guys with issues need not apply**

    Does that mean only U.S. citizens?

  • MsMcDucket
    Well Lola, you're not that far away from me but I'm much too old for you.

    Spectre that didn't stop Tom Cruise!

  • MsMcDucket

    Anonymouse, I have a 16 year old daughter. She's not little. She's almost 6 feet tall! And she has the hips to go with it! She weighed in at 10 lb 6oz when she was born. I told her that she can't date until she's 18, but you two could email each other. She has lots of friends (from all races). She might be able to hook you up. She has friends that are worldly. . .meaning they have parents that move to Isreal and stuff like that there!

  • Stephanus
    Thanks lola, you are a big help. No, by the way. I gave up a long time ago!!pickme

    Hey, it was me who posed the question!

    BTW, do you have Deb Instant Potato in the States? I looked it up and only saw mainly Australian references to it.

  • daystar

    You're too late to the game for me ladies as I've been nabbed in a serious way.

    But best of luck to ya lovely lasses!

    *daystar makes sure he really did put an "L" at the beginning of that word.*

  • AnonyMouse

    What's this? Getting set up

    I'm not really into the email thing, I like MSN. It's nice and quick. I treat it as a real conversation. It gives me real freinds, not the fake things the society throws out. As it stands, I only know a few people online that I call freinds.

    Although, I get on late at night (the only time mom is asleep, lol). So that probably ruins any chances I have ^^. I have no doubt I'll find someone EVENTUALLY. I havn't the slightest on how to look. But apparently saying "I'm lonely" online works :P .

  • MsMcDucket
    What's this? Getting set up


    Nah, Heather wouldn't dare take me up on it. I don't think. She's into that I know what I'm talking about and you don't stage. And, she tells me she wants a Razor phone and a car for her birthday this month. I guess she feels that I can pull those out of my *hee haw*! She hangs out with her friends a lot. She tells me that she's not dating, but I wonder? Oh well, I guess that I'm rambling. . .

  • crazyblondeb
    Thanks lola, you are a big help. No, by the way. I gave up a long time ago!!pickme

    Hey, it was me who posed the question!

    BTW, do you have Deb Instant Potato in the States? I looked it up and only saw mainly Australian references to it.

    Oops, my bad!! Never heard of Deb potatoes here. But my name is actually Shelley!!

    And guys, I still have no new messages!! What's the problem??!! I'm a perfect10 !!! LOL

  • Stephanus

    And guys, I still have no new messages!! What's the problem??!! I'm a perfect10 !!! LOL

    I'll message you once I clear it with my wife - BRB! LOL

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