Isn't it great to see young Johnny pioneering during the school holidays
The JW phrase I most despise is...
by exwitless 89 Replies latest jw friends
A 'Qualified Brother' or a 'Qualified Elder', who exactly decides what qualified means?
- "fleshly" sister/brother
- "heart condition" instead of "attitude" or "disposition." (Did Franz not have access to a thesaurus?)
- "accurate knowledge"
- "happifying" is horrifying
- "expression," instead of "statement," "opinion," or even merely "he said."
- "greased" instead of "anointed" -- Ugh! And other mangled verses of the poetry of the Psalms in the interests of literal translation.
I never was a JW, but these phrases make me cringe when I come across them in the lit.
"Be steadfast brothers, keeping on the watch!"
the "greater fulfillment" of any prophecy
I think the one they've put in one of the revelation book changes might get to be hated by a few dubs when they get to it, especially the older ones:
Since Bible prophecies are often only completely understood after they are fulfilled or in the course of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see.
It's on page 251, about the "peace and security" cry in 1Thessalonians. I wonder how the dubs will react to that, if they actually see the significance of it?
(Did Franz not have access to a thesaurus?)
"greased" instead of "anointed" -- Ugh!
LOL @ cathyk!!
I heartily agree!
Arrangement. The marriage 'arrangement', the book study ' arrangement', the elder 'arrangement' and so on.
This is the first one I thought of! ESPECIALLY when I discovered exactly WHY the DONATION ARRANGEMENT was actually implemented....everything was said to be "Jehovah's arrangement" when it was all MEN'S ideas all along!!!
I also hated ;
happifying (WHO says that???)
gleaned (this word makes me ill when used in connection with WTS teachings)
and...."the banquet of well-oiled dishes" (when talking about what you're being forced to sit through at an assembly.)
I forgot to add this one....the "typical & ANTI-typical fulfillments" of the WTS-speak. I got so sick and tired of that phrase I could have screeched every time it was said!!!
"a banquet of spiritual food"
"the friends"
"jehovah's visible organization"
"Now brothers open your Bible at..." that gets on my nerves because they act as if the Bible is the real authority that gives validity to their ideology, and all that cocky confidence that they have got it all right, while everyone else is wrong. Yet they misinterpret so many verses to suit their purposes.
1Good to see Bro xxxx is reaching out,
2 We must do more in the field service