For us worldly folks Halloween is simply a time to do something fun. No devil worship or anything. To suggest we should know the origins and then would not take part in any Halloween festivities is jwism at it's best. Do you hold the same view of wedding rings? How about the origins of the wt? the pryramidism, necromancy, and numerology?
In schools in our area it is not called Halloween but 'book character day'. The kids must read a book, dress as a character and be able to do a report on the book. When trick-or-treat comes around almost all the kids use their book character costume. Everything ranging from princesses, hobbits, pirates, bears, bunnies, you name it!
Carving pumkins is a time to get together with your child and get creative, spend some time, cook pumpkin seeds and see who can come up with the best pumpkin face. Nothing evil there.
Trick-or-treating is done in your own neighborhood and usually done in groups with parents. A time to take a walk with the parents, the older people love to see the little kids dressed up, and see some neighbors you may not see often. If you don't want to participate leave the outside light off. Simple.