Who do the JW's believe Jesus is?
Who is Jesus?
by SonshineGirl 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Son of God but not God
Stillajwexelder: LoL, is that a picture of whyamihere/Brooke you have in your avatar? That was one of her carwashing-pics, right? LoL, that`s funny (but you have good taste )
how can you be the son of God but not be God?
Star Moore
Jello: You were saying:
How can you be the son of God and not be God?
Think of this...the good people are all sons of God, as well as the angels..
Are we all God, then?
how can you be the son of God but not be God?
Don't you ever get bored of these threads? It's obvious really isn't it: My Mom & Dad produced me .. I am me, I am not my Dad. A simple concept. Engage the brain and think for mercy's sake. Unless you choose to believe that GOD is everything and therefore, I am God, you are God and then Jesus would be God as well. Then we have the concept of all things being God, yet God having a transcendent higher mind.... oh wait, I can't be bothered.... bye
I'm sorry, but this was so funny:
Engage the brain and think for mercy's sake.
LOL! Almost splurted all over the computer screen!
Why do you believe that Christ is not God? Do you have any scripture to back up what you believe?
The Messiah is not God but he does do the work that God would endorse which is to manage this planet in a way that is fair, efficient, productive and friendly to the environment and its inhabitants. I claim to be the man you refer to as Jesus but that is not my name nor do I know of any past or future life. I hope the world does not wait for global warming and wars to make this world too difficult for my leadership and simple operating system to repair before it wakes up and follows me to the New World.
Wow, this is a question which bishops have argued over for centuries. Prior to the Nicean Council, there were differences in opinion, primarily because Jesus himself never claimed to be God, but to be sent by God. When someone kneeled before Jesus, they was told not to do that. However the Nicean Council decided that Jesus was God, and this became official dogma for over 1000 years, denial of which was a capital offense. Eventually, after the Protestant Reformation, when some people began having Bibles in their homes, some began to question whether Jesus and God were the same. Unitarians were one early group who were persectuted for denying the Trinity (thats what the name "Unitarian" means). Jehovahs Witnesses were hundreds of years later, but adopted the teaching, claiming that Jesus was a man, admittedly a perfect man, born by the action of Holy Spirit on Mary.