Reinforcing the Fairy Tale

by startingover 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • startingover

    I came upon this post on another forum I check out from time to time.

    I'm posting this link because my feelings couldn't have been conveyed any better than was done in this post. Including the ones expressed at the end. IMO this fairy tale needs to be exposed.

  • sf

    Thanks for sharing! I captured this gem from the essay:

    What are they afraid of? Is “God” that much of a tyrant and egomaniac that he must be acknowledged in all things, and at all times, lest he be angered and smite you? (The answer is “yes”, BTW. I’ve read the bible. I’ve heard the sermons. “God” gets angry if you don’t lick his feet.)

    Or could it be that YOU must constantly fool yourself into believing something that is an obvious lie?

    Again, the answer is a resounding “yes”. Failure to reinforce the fairy tale is to risk apostasy and atheism. A fate “worse than death” for the gullible sheep of god.

    Could THIS be why so many active jws, especially rank/ file members, are so afraid to speak the truth at their meetings and tell the flock it's okay to read sites like this and freeminds? Interesting to consider.

    Consider this, as he states above:

    By not sharing the truth you have learned from these sites with your flock, are you not reinforcing the WTBTS Fairytale?

    Just to make it a bit easier for those leary of clicking on "other religious links":

  • sf

    Insert WT Org for god:

    One, if we remained silent, then you theists would claim that we didn’t exist. By our silence you would be able to make the case that non-believers either are a myth, or that we are a statistical anomaly, OR that our polite silence is our tacit admission that we don’t have a problem with god. We complain “so much” to make our voices heard. We’re NOT arguing against “god”, but against god-believers and their delusions. To remain silent is to yield the field of battle to our opponents. To remain silent is a tacit admission that we have no argument in the theater of ideas, and therefore we concede defeat to the theists. And I, for one, refuse to give them so easy a victory.

    SHARE THE WEALTH OF ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE YOU ACTIVE ELDERS, P.O.'s, D.O.'s, and C.O.'s who regularly visit here, with the flocks of congregants whom you profess to "deeply care about".

    Go forth with the truth brothers. Are YOUR fears so unique that you can't share that fear with the flock either?



  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    I'm not an atheist but I love to hear atheist talk about their FAITH. So please ramble on!

  • sf

    faith audio (fth) KEY


    1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
    2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. See Synonyms at belief, trust.
    3. Loyalty to a person or thing; allegiance: keeping faith with one's supporters.
    4. often FaithChristianityThe theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.
    5. The body of dogma of a religion: the Muslim faith.
    6. A set of principles or beliefs.
  • purplesofa
    The life of an unbeliever is lonely and sometimes dangerous.

    I was talking to a doc I work for and mentioned after going through some heavy problems ........expressing that I wondered if there really is a god. He agreed, but mentioned ........probably would be best to be careful where I said that.


  • Ade

    Hi Startingover,
    Firstly i must say we all have free will to believe as we believe so what you want to believe i wouldnt/dont hold against you.

    as regards this; "Why do Christians read their bibles daily or weekly? Don’t they already know what it says? (Probably not.)

    Can you remember a large book after reading it once or even a thousand times ?????

    Why do they obediently swarm to church services each week, sometimes three times a week, to hear the Word of God as preached by some stranger? Again, don’t they already know what His Word says?

    I dont as i believe God gives to each of us if we request it - many here are the same as myself .

    Why must Christians labor all day in prayer, praise and worship, calling on His name? Does God truly need all this sycophantic toadying to stroke his ego?

    No God doesnt thats why Jesus came - this is servitude for the wrong reasons , as we are told works cannot place us in a righteous standing before God.

    And finally, why do Christians believe something “bad” will happen to them if they fail to accomplish the preceding fetishes? Wrath of god? Demonic attack? Sickness and poverty? What will happen if the good luck charm is ignored?

    I dont believe this as i am saved by grace.

    So maybe before people type this kind of letter they should appreciate we are not all alike, and dont all follow mens doctrines and trends.


  • jstalin
    Can you remember a large book after reading it once or even a thousand times ?????

    No, but there is no book I've read that I claim contains all the moral and philosophical authority to declare that I will base my entire path of life on it either. But Christians decide that the bible tells them how to live their lives to be a "good person." Such a person has not read the bible. Or, if he has, he is content with the knowledge that murder and incest, as long as they are sanctioned by god, are ok ways to behave.

  • lovelylil

    I pesonally don't care if any believe in God or not. I don't try to make people believe the way I do and usually only discuss God or the Bible in the context of speaking with other believers. And I find many Christians who feel the constant urge to convert everyone to their way of thinking to be rather obnoxious.

    Religious belief is personal like political belief and we should keep our opinions to ourselves unless asked. Lilly

  • Ade

    Can you remember a large book after reading it once or even a thousand times ?????
    No, but there is no book I've read that I claim contains all the moral and philosophical authority to declare that I will base my entire path of life on it either. But Christians decide that the bible tells them how to live their lives to be a "good person." Such a person has not read the bible. Or, if he has, he is content with the knowledge that murder and incest, as long as they are sanctioned by god, are ok ways to behave.

    So we should be free to invent our own moral and philosophical authority based on your own viewpoints , wonder where we would be if everyone did that, some would consider it fine to kill rape and murder others wouldnt , but no legal system etc as we are all free to do as we please.

    reading and understanding are two different things.


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