Fading: A Little Craziness Helps

by metatron 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    As you may know, I am a zealous advocate of using depression as a means of fading out of the organization.

    Let me add that a hint of craziness or mental illness can work wonders, too. Instead of shunning you, your Witness

    relatives and "friends" may make quite an allowance for you, if you just keep your mouth shut about deep apostasy.

    They may just feel sorry for you and leave you alone- at least, that's largely my experience.

    Remember that movie that said "love means never having to say you're sorry"? - They had it wrong.

    Being a little crazy means never having to say you're sorry....

    metatron ( it works for me!)

  • Bodhisattva1320

    omg you made me laugh

  • daystar

    ooohh... become some sort of a mad mystic... some insane anointed person... make it an alter-ego, so sometimes you go to the hall and act perfectly normal. If you are asked if you were feeling alright last time, pretend to not know what they're talking about. Recall events as if they were perfectly normal. Then, like, twitch your eye every now and then...

  • exwitless

    Metatron - I will say it again, as I did in your previous thread about this: You might consider that quite a number of forum readers/users actually DO battle mental illness FOR REAL. Your flippant comments about pretending to be "crazy" are offensive. This is why there is such a stigma against mental illness. People don't view it as a real disease, and that if sufferers really wanted to, they could just wish their illness away. This type of attitude trivializes the difficulty in dealing with the disease and does no favors to those who really suffer.

  • Warlock



  • Beardo

    A brother I know, who speaks to me (being as he is disfellowshipped at the moment) feigned depression as an excuse to smoke pot in his loft. The elders knew about his habit for around a year and he played the "down & out" card with ease.

    He also avoided the elders most of the time, but they never disciplined him during that time period and unusually were quite supportive.

    Anyway, they finally sacked him at a very inappropriate moment. Just after his fathers funeral !!!!

  • Gill

    exwitless - I have a screwed up head still from my former JW days. I'm not offended by what Met has noticed. I still see a counsellor nearly four years on as I have 'issues' that won't die.

    However, I haven't lost my sense of humour in the slightest. I always taught my kids that people were more afraid of mental illness than anything else, simply because the behaviour is not what they expect and are afraid of the unexpected. Should they find them selves in a 'tight spot' a little strange behaviour may well give them time to run. I think this works with the JW elders as well. They just don't like to be near anyone 'strange'.

    It seems to have 'worked' for me, in that up to now, contact with them has been very limited.

    Don't be afraid to use the tactic is you need to fade.

  • Warlock

    EVERYONE is a little crazy.


  • Gill

    Warlock! In my experience, the crazy ones are the best!!

  • Warlock

    Thanks for the compliment, Gill.


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