The Great Taboo Discussion— Suicides among former Jehovah's Witnesses
To write about this discussion neither appeals to me nor does it make me feel comfortable to discuss it.
However, it is necessary to consider in light of all the trauma, negative experiences, and personal traged-
ies that have happened to individuals on this board.
(What inspired me to write this subject was a bone chilling account
left on one of the previous threads that fused my spine.)
Some on this board may have thought about it
It is probably safe to say that some of us did think about it during
one low point in life while associated or leaving the organization.
That is not to say that we would carry the action out—only that
we thought about it.
Do you recall of anyone taking their life because of the organization?
Again, this is probably one of the hardest subjects to deal with and it is not a pleasant topic
of discussion and so I wish to extend an apology to anyone who is sensitive to this subject.
However, the question that needs to be considered is:
Did you hear or know of anyone who either attempted
suicide or took their own life because of the Watch-
tower Bible and Tract Society?
Please post and share your comments so that we
all may learn of these sad and personal tragedies.
The Wanderer