How can I conquer this habit?

by hambeak 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • littlerockguy

    I conquered the guilt but not the habit, lol.

  • PrimateDave

    I glanced at this article. I can't make myself read through such rubbish anymore. Masturbation is a normal and healthy part of being human. I do it when I feel like it now, but for years, and especially when I was a teenager, I endured overwhelming feelings of guilt that were, at least for me, worse than the feelings of guilt I had from being molested. At least the molestation occurred once and was over with. But, the guilt from masturbation was as constant as the habit, which was several times a week at least. I was well into adulthood before I learned enough to realize that the Society gets its anti-masturbation rhetoric from the masturbation hysteria of the late nineteenth and early twentienth centuries and not from the Bible.

    If I was a parent, I would tell my son or daughter that it is normal and natural to explore their own body. I would tell him or her to be discreet and set proper boundaries. There is a time and place for everything.

    To the Watchtower Society, all I can say is: LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE, DAMN IT!


  • daystar

    Oft-quoted enough by me, but relevant...

    The name of sin is repression. - Aleister Crowley

    Repression of natural, healthy, instinctual behavior will always cause an inbalance within a person. If the pressure built by sexual repression such as this is not released in some way, it will tend to come out in an uncontrolled or simply unhealthy, unbalanced manner eventually.

    That's not to say to let your animal nature run wild, but it must be controlled with balance and an understanding of the dual aspect of ourselves, part spirit, part flesh, in mind.

    It's a common Christian fetish to demonize the "fleshly" instincts and not exclusive to the JWs. "Sins of the flesh"... what a crock.

  • LittleToe
    confide in someone about your problem and they will help you.

    Oh, if only it was that easy

  • Warlock
    If your makes you stumble cut it off.

    Or, I heard Lorena Bobbit is still single, if you don't think you can do it yourself.


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