I created an account there using my JWD handle and am starting to list all the books I own.
It's free, simple to use and pretty darn cool!
by daystar 21 Replies latest jw friends
I created an account there using my JWD handle and am starting to list all the books I own.
It's free, simple to use and pretty darn cool!
Cool daystar!
I have over 700 books. I'm too lazy to catalog them.
I have over 700 books. I'm too lazy to catalog them.
LOL! Yeah, mine's not quite that extensive, but it will be a chore for me as well. At least if I can add a few from memory...
Maybe - but I don't know why I would want to list mine or look too hard at other's reading habits. ???
Have you ever spoken with someone regarding what books you have and have not read? I have. And when I have, if they know of another book on the subject, or similar, they might recommend it, and I do the same.
Personally, I would rather like to see a catalog of what books I own. *shrug* If you don't see a benefit, don't do it then.
don't think anybody would want to see my book collection its all novels and cookery books - your collection looks very scholarly, puts mine to shame!
It might be good if you have books you want to sell (Old WT, Collectible Books, etc.). I have quite a few that could be sold on e-bay/Amazon etc. Also, am looking for a few books too.
don't think anybody would want to see my book collection its all novels and cookery books - your collection looks very scholarly, puts mine to shame!
Are you kidding me?! I have my own set of cookbooks as well. I've just listed so far what I can remember. I've got a load of fiction I need to add as well, but I need to get the ISBNs for them.
Only four of the members there have Ray Franz's books cataloged.
Hello Daystar: The site seems pretty cool. I have a wall full of books I think I will list. Thanks.