I have a really really bad neighbor. (I even had to take her to court in an attempt to get a restraning order on her.) Now that it is down to a pissing contest, I was thinking about getting a really scary looking VooDoo doll and putting it in the tree in my yard, that is beside the fence we share. I know it will freak her out, but hey, it is the Halloween season right?
I'm I nuts?
by Justice-One 11 Replies latest jw friends
Only you know for sure . . .however, whatever you do, you gotta not leave a clue, just fright her to bits until she loses her wits, then report back here so we'll all have a sneer.
Don't ya' just hate those kind of neighbors ?
BTW, she was CAUGHT peeking in our window after dark by another neighbor. This neighbor came to court and swore under oath about this. Guess what the Judge said?....He said that I should get better blinds. I kid you not. Yup Judges....law students who get to grade their own papers.
Hell no! not at all nuts. I say get it, perfect season. I would recommend a couple of other 'token' decorations as well. so if the authorities confront you about it you can tell them it was part of your decorating scheme.
I had a neighbor like that. We went to court several times.
One time it was because she started video taping me and my children everytime we went outside: like walking to the car, mowing grass, going to the mailbox.
Soooo...we started doing little dances for her and her video everytime we saw her and would point and laugh. But one day, my son was in our back yard sitting in a baby pool. He yells at me to come outside. The stupid woman was video taping him in the baby pool,(he was way to big for a baby pool, but hey...he was being a kid.. So I picked up the hose and sprayed her and her camera down. She called the police, the police came got both of our stories. I said...if she can video tape anything within videotaping distant then I can spray anything within spraying distance. The police laughed and told the woman to go in the house and stay there.
Thank goodness we have nice neighbors.
I did however think that they were going to strangle my son 2 weeks ago. My neighbors JUST moved into a new house that they had built and my son and his friends were outside goofing around with his paint ball gun and they accidentally shot the side of their house. My son went to the door and explain what happened and told them that he was going to clean it up. The neighbor was VERY nice and said "oh ok". The paint ball pellet is made with vegetable oil so it cleaned up right away. My husband went down later that day to welcome them to the neighborhood and also to apologize for the paint ball gun incident. The guy was also nice to my husband and said "no problem" about the paint. Whew!
So I picked up the hose and sprayed her and her camera down. She called the police, the police came got both of our stories. I said...if she can video tape anything within videotaping distant then I can spray anything within spraying distance. The police laughed and told the woman to go in the house and stay there.
Oh man I REALLY like you! You think you could move in on the other side of this lady?
BTW, she was outside last night taking pictures of the leaves that had fallen from my tree onto her walkway! Of course I went outside a shook the tree in front of her, telling her that it would make a better photo now.
I once had a neighbor who was a real jerk. So to get even I called his wife one day and told her I was Dr. Smith with the local health dept. and asked if mr so and so was home. She said no and I said to have him call me right away as his test came back positive. She wanted to know what test. I told her it was for std's. She flipped and needless to say there was a lot of arguing that night that I could hear.. Also he hasn't been a jerk to me since.
I did however think that they were going to strangle my son 2 weeks ago. My neighbors JUST moved into a new house that they had built and my son and his friends were outside goofing around with his paint ball gun and they accidentally shot the side of their house. My son went to the door and explain what happened and told them that he was going to clean it up. The neighbor was VERY nice and said "oh ok". The paint ball pellet is made with vegetable oil so it cleaned up right away. My husband went down later that day to welcome them to the neighborhood and also to apologize for the paint ball gun incident. The guy was also nice to my husband and said "no problem" about the paint. Whew!
My Psycho Neighbor would have went ballistic over something like that, and would have tried to have me arrested for it.
You may have seen on another thread that she has accused me of....being tapped into and stealing her water, natural gas, cable tv, and phone line. As you can probaby tell, she is NUTS. I just hope this doll puts her over the edge. - A plus would be if the doll actually worked.
BTW, my son works for the cable company, and told me that after she had them out there more than TEN times, telling them I was stealing her cable, they told her this..."Look lady, don't call us again or you will be charged for the service call. Beside's why would he WANT to steal YOUR cable? He has the premier package with top end high speed Internet, and most of the pay channels...why would he need to steal your BASIC cable?