Take that GB
Another JW sees the light
by headmath 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Lady Liberty
Dear Headmath,
Thank you for posting this. I especially enjoyed her illustration about following the leader!!
This short story illustrates how I feel having been a Witness. I feel I've been in a very long child's game of "Follow the Leader." The game starts out as a great adventure. We're led through all sorts of twists and turns, jumping through hoops and over rocks. It's fun playing with the other kids. We're led through scratchy bushes and muddy puddles. Some are falling down and getting cut on the rocks we're climbing over. When one little kid way back in the line quietly asks a question, "Where are you taking us? Some are getting hurt!", he's hit on the head by the guy in front of him. The leader yells back, "I'm smarter than you. I know where we're going. Just keep playing the game and follow me." Eventually the little kid figures out the leader is just another kid like himself. He gets tired of being hurt. The game isn't fun anymore. So he decides to play by himself or find other kids with which to play. When he stops playing "Follow the Leader" a few rude kids yell back, "We won't play with you anymore. You're not our friend."
Lady Liberty
That analogy is tremendous! It reminds me of "Lord of the Flies" when things start to get ugly.
Great writeup. Thanks for that.
Typical! A lifetime of service quickly discounted by other JWs after a moment's questioning.
Well, my heart rejoices every time someone exits - and rejoices even more when they've been in it for so long, because it takes immense courage and is encouraging to others. Ripples will certainly have been made by this and, if only inside their minds, others will ask why? That's all it takes: why? Once that question is mulled over, further enquiries are often made.......................
The elders giving poor advice, what can one expect from people that hold a religious office without being trained for it except in a very superficial way? The dubs don't have serious local leaders they are ordinary people that have to give most of their time to secular work and family. This org is so casually thrown together.
They don't have to worry about training, Greendawn, their under Jehovah's direction and will be guided on what to do when appropriate. <gag>
The elders giving poor advice, what can one expect from people that hold a religious office without being trained for it except in a very superficial way? The dubs don't have serious local leaders they are ordinary people that have to give most of their time to secular work and family. This org is so casually thrown together.
Which is why there is NOTHING TO FEAR ABOUT SHARING THIS SITE AND OTHER INFORMATIVE SITES WITH THE FLOCK. Stand up and/ or take the mic and share what you have gained here. Stop giving into the fear that is paramount to keep you bound. BREAK FREE! sKally
More good news, thanks for sharing it.
Thank you for posting that, its a good story. Amazing how people treat each other in that org and still call it love.