The only message in the melodies is that they were written by a tone-deaf composer.
Kingdom Melodies and Hidden Messages
by inbyathread 46 Replies latest watchtower scandals
And what no one has yet commented on is the fact that all songs are (like) chants. Songs are designed to leave an imprint no matter the message. That's the purpose of a song. I'm sure there are ex Catholics who have had this same discussion about the hymns of their former church.
Most of the lyrics made me cringe. I did like "The Light Gets Brighter".
I think I was singing hoping my LIFE WOULD GET BRIGHTER!
Ha! It did! -
The music is insipid
Just an outsider's take of the music itself (not the lyrics). It seems that during assemblies the first & last melodies played & sung sound & feel like WTS national anthems (you can close your eyes and imagine the scene in Rocky 4 in Moscow before the fight w/Ivan Drago). The filler music in between are "happy" melodies. Rather sedate and numbing.
How about the song that includes the immortal line " bees that were molested"? WTF?!?
And then it's not bad enough that that tortured phraseology is used, the next line continues to draw attention to it: "But we can ever beat them off..."
Oh my jeezus! How I hated that song! I could never finish the song b/c of that one part. My mother must have pinched my arm 20 times, but I still couldn't quit laughing. Then when I looked over at my friend sitting across the hall ....we both lost it and had to run to the bathroom! I always wondered if the person who wrote that lyric did that on purpose....molesting bees and beating them off...
Oh god I'm laughing again!!!
~luv, jojo
Everything with dub's comes back to sex. Even in our JC meeting to get DF'ed, because we questioned the UN thang, they brought up porn.
Sometimes due to imperfection
There may seem to be deflection;
But truth refines
As light brighter shines.
Our gracious God sends forth more light to help us.
He flashes forth his glorious light, a light brighter still,
A light brighter still.Hahahahahahahahahahaha... Song 111 "The Light Gets Brighter" has me cracking up. Give me ZZ Top any day over this garbage.
This line still makes me sick---------------------------------------
Ssbsong201RejoicingWithGod’sNation***3. In a land so good and spacious,
Free from strife and things vexatious,
Look! a happy crowd, vivacious
In God’s service that is efficacious.
They’re no longer sighing.
Truth from God they are now buying,
In their lives his Word applying,
And his name they keep on glorifying.
That is struggling pretty hard to rhyme if you ask me.
Remember The Large Women are an Army?
El Kabong
Bigmouth: Each a mighty thong?