My Trip to the Dentist's Torture Chamber

by Alpheta 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    I hate going to the dentist more than anything I can think of. I put it off until I absolutely HAVE to go. They laugh at me, because I'm a 61 year old woman who is the worst baby they've ever seen. I feel things no one else should feel, and they do believe me though. It's just the worst experience ever.

    They should be able to do something about the sound of the drill. Isn't it possible to make one that is silent?

  • bikerchic

    I also hated to go to the dentist until I started insisting on getting the gas. Love the gas, love going to the dentist!

    Hate the bill.

  • MsMcDucket

    I too hate going to dentist. I wrote in another post about having a toothache for over a month. I had my husband pull it out about two days ago. I rather take the pain from my husband pulling it than having to go to the dentist, who will then say the tooth can be saved, you just need a root canal and a crown, and you need to have those other teeth worked on too. This will come to about $1000.00 for the one tooth. . .

    I just wanted the tooth pulled. I don't know what it is about novocaine, but it always makes me have panic attacks.

    You're a braver soul than I am.

  • Alpheta

    Hey guys, none of you are being exactly reassuring. I need to be told it's all in my head - or something similar. Come on, do some psych work on me, get me in shape for that next rendition with handsome young dentist two weeks from now.

    Annie, I do take supplements. Since I'm post-menopausal and even before I've been taking a calcium plus vitamin D (600 mg) every day, plus a regular multi-vitamin supplement for over 50. Damn - when did I get over 50 - well, whatever. Scared to death of getting osteo-whatever (can't spell it or even really say it, just call it "brittle bones"). Am even more scared, though, of having a major heart attack in the dentist's chair. I didn't notice any heart revival equipment on hand, although they may have that stashed under the sink.

    Tonight my man emailed me and said take vitamin B supplements, and how much better he's felt the past few weeks since he's been taking them (he's the same age as me, but not post-menopausal - er - as far as I know...) Hmmm. I'd laugh, but it hurts to laugh. Oh hell, I'll laugh anyway. I'm really hungry. 12:35 a.m. my time and mouth is still hurting. I am DEFINITELY going to call handsome young dentist, it shouldn't hurt to chew, even if the "new" bridge is just a temporary. If the temporary doesn't fit right, how is the "final" one going to fit? Oh, I don't even want to think about that! And how and I supposed to brush this thing - or - heaven forbid - floss it???

    On an upbeat note, I spent several pleasant hours online today shopping for christmas tree ornaments. Spending money somehow seems to make the pain in my mouth go away. Hmmm...

  • AudeSapere
    They should be able to do something about the sound of the drill. Isn't it possible to make one that is silent?

    Headphones and nitrous oxide.


  • bikerchic

    nitrous oxide.


  • Mystla

    MsMcDucket.. the reason novacaine makes you feel like your having a panic attack is that it's full of adrenalin. Or so I was told by my dentist. I was shaking from head to toe, shaking so hard I could hardly stay in the chair. I told the Doc that I didn't understand 'cause while I wasn't unafraid I wasn't terrified, either. He said some people react that way to novacaine. The next time I went in they couldn't get my tooth numb and gave me three shots.. it was rediculous! My feet were bouncing all over the foot rest and my teeth were chattering.. they couldn't get going again til the effect wore off some!

    I was in the middle of having a cavity filled once... mouth all braced open, drool running all over.. you know how it is, when something crashed in the next room over and someone screamed and everyone ran to see what was going on.. everyone but me, of course.. I layed there for awhile wondering if I should try to get up, but about ten years later they came back. Apperently the patient next door had had an epileptic seizure. I decided that laying there alone for a little bit wasn't so bad after all. The dentist was so shaken up he was talking 90 miles an hour and his hands were shaking worse than mine!

    Ach! I brush and floss and gargle and take my calcium, etc. and my teeth are a mess.


  • MsMcDucket

    MsMcDucket.. the reason novacaine makes you feel like your having a panic attack is that it's full of adrenalin. Or so I was told by my dentist. I was shaking from head to toe, shaking so hard I could hardly stay in the chair. I told the Doc that I didn't understand 'cause while I wasn't unafraid I wasn't terrified, either. He said some people react that way to novacaine. The next time I went in they couldn't get my tooth numb and gave me three shots.. it was rediculous! My feet were bouncing all over the foot rest and my teeth were chattering.. they couldn't get going again til the effect wore off some!

    Everytime, they shoot me up with that stuff, I start panicking. It feels like the chair is spinning and my heart goes into atrial fibrillations (well, it feels like that). That's why I wouldn't be a good drug addict. I wouldn't be able to do cocaine, crack, meth, or anything like that. My first snort and I'd have a heart attack! Some apostate I am. I'd have to do drugs that would make you mellow. Gotta look up mellow drugs.

    Back to the topic...yeah going to the dentist is hell!

  • Alpheta

    I had no idea I had to become a drug addict in order to be an apostate. Learn something new everyday - well, does being a "wino" count???

    I had no idea about the effects of novocaine and it being loaded with adrenalin. I thought I was getting dizzy there for a bit because I was panicking, not because of the effect of the meds. That passed (the dizziness), but I know my heart got an extra good workout. I think I need to talk to my doctor about that - I really do NOT want to have a heart attack in the chair. And I am seriously thinking about passing on the other work they want to do on me in 2007. If it's not falling out and it's not hurting, why put myself through this - I must be nuts to even have considered it!

  • Mulan
    They should be able to do something about the sound of the drill. Isn't it possible to make one that is silent?

    Headphones and nitrous oxide.

    I get sick from nitrous, very nauseated, and I'm overly sensitive to novacaine, so they have to use carbocaine on me. It takes longer to kick in and doesn't last as long. It's a bad situation for me. Novacaine reacts on me exactly like it does for MsMcDucket. The first time that happened, they marked it on my chart and don't give it to me anymore. The shaking made it hard for them to do the work.

    MsMcDucket.. the reason novacaine makes you feel like your having a panic attack is that it's full of adrenalin. Or so I was told by my dentist. I was shaking from head to toe, shaking so hard I could hardly stay in the chair. I told the Doc that I didn't understand 'cause while I wasn't unafraid I wasn't terrified, either. He said some people react that way to novacaine. The next time I went in they couldn't get my tooth numb and gave me three shots.. it was rediculous! My feet were bouncing all over the foot rest and my teeth were chattering.. they couldn't get going again til the effect wore off some!

    They always give me a prescription for Valium for an appointment, just to keep me in the chair.

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