Someone may benefit from this..regarding the Expos'es of the organization

by Lady Liberty 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Abandoned

    Thank you for this thread and let me say to everyone here who takes on the "shame" of being an apostate. THANK YOU! It is so hard to admit that you have not only been duped by a bunch of lecherous old men, but also brainwashed. I'm ashamed, now, of the number of family members I looked down at and treated arrogantly, becasue HOW DARE they question my bible trained conscience.


    Thanks everyone!!!

  • Trippin2962

    thats a great bit of info for newbies here.

    I remember the first thing I checked was the Watchtower's Purpose statement that they suddenly changed without any notice to members. They changed it from how the Watchtower points to the events that take place before this generation that started in 1914 ends. Then after 95 it didn't mention that year at all - mainly because their prediction of the generation ending's time had run out in 95. Can anyone clear this up for me? Can someone post the old WT purpose vs. the newer one?

    I remember digging out old watchtowers to see it for myself. Seeing it with my own eyes sent a chill up my spine to know that such a huge change had gone virtually unnoticed by me and most JWs. This change was majorly significant to the whole religion and I would have never known anything about it if it had not been brough to my attention by the people from this site. It was certainly not mentioned in a talk or by any JWs. This made me painfully aware that there are indeed strange things that go on unnoticed by most. Then as I dug further I found a whole avalance of proof of cooky and inconsistent things within the org.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Then as I dug further I found a whole avalance of proof of cooky and inconsistent things within the org.

    Dear Trippin,

    Welcome to the forum..I know its crazy isn't it!! And it seems to never end!! It is no wonder they have demonized the internet! I am glad you are finding out the truth about the "truth". We should be able to examine our faith just as we have in the past asked others to examine theirs. Unfortunatly you don't have to go very far back and see that there are big problems beind the "curtain"! Anyhow.. welcome.


    Lady Liberty

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Can someone post the old WT purpose vs. the newer one?

    P.S. You may want to make a topic out of this question, so more will see what you are looking for..someone out there will most likely have what you need. Sorry I don't.



    Lady liberty,

    Very well put together, I'm sure it will help a lot of new ones,

    They have a broad selection of topics they can look into.


  • Lady Liberty
  • anakolouthos

    Yet another great post from you, Lady Liberty! Thanks! :-)

  • Lady Liberty
  • thepackage


  • Lady Liberty

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