A lot of the clergy in this area have already seen the new tract, as my boyfriend and I sent them an advance copy. Take it from me, they aren't particularly worried about it, in fact it gave the majority of them a good laugh. They have more important things to do than lose any sleep over another silly piece of paper from the jws.
I rather think that the governing body are hoping for some persecution, that's why they are sending this crap out at this time. If it happens, they can use it to exert even more control over their followers. Can't you see the watchtower article now - "persecuted for righteousness sake"? They love to be able to put stuff like that in their publications, it helps them prove it's the "truth".
If you are really worried about this, then I would listen to the advice Ian gave you, and get some help. In the meantime, stay with us - we are your friends .