Beards and bald heads

by parlay 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • MsMcDucket
    i had a beard for about 2 years as an elder....i had a facial skin problem and was told shaving would aggravate it...i took the wt at the time and said i would stop doing so if anyone was offended..the elders gritted their teeth and said it wasnt a problem (although there were others who wanted the tower

    Ian, my husband has folliculitis too. He keeps a moustache and a goatee. He looks good with the goatee, but looks like he's been sucking eggs without it. When he tries to grow a beard, it comes out all scraggly looking. I hate it, don't like it, and so he doesn't wear it. He has to use bump free hair remover on his face and head. Yep, he's bald! He was going bald, and was starting to get the ugly clown look. I like the bald head better! (bald clean shaven look head)

  • youcanhaveago

    One of the silly silly nonsensical rules (of many )

    Freedom of choice surely.

    The "classic male JW look" is and always has been whatever was the dominant fashion of the GB or other influential leaders in the 30's 40's 50's.

    Jehovah God gave men facial hair- but his chosen organization at this most critical of time in human history ever ever ever ever says it a bad thing.

    Give me strength !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • tijkmo

    hey yeah thats what is was..i was trying to remember what is what was painful and ugly...i came out with horrible acne whenever i shaved..i kept the beard for about 2 years...but i cant remember why i shaved it now...must have been for an event...i didnt trim it during the whole time so looked pretty scraggy...

    i also remember not being allowed to take the memorial cos i had just had my hair cut...really short and brushed forward a la harrison ford in presumed innocent...was quite a departure for me and shocked some..they got over it...especially as everyone copied me lol

  • Ténébreux

    What really is scarier - a man who chooses to grow a beard, or a man with no beard because he allows his personal choice to be dictated by someone else and thinks you should submit to this also? I know which one I'm more comfortable opening the door to.

  • SirNose586
    So all the brother's (meaning black guys) started shaving their heads. They wanted to say something but how could they, 'hey brother your head is bald' yeah just like henshel's.

    It's definitely a double-standard. One brother who recently left our hall had big tats and a purposely shaved head (poor thing, he was balding at 30 so he got rid of it all). But the PO was his brother in law, so no cousel there.

    Black guys can go bald, really anybody can go bald if they want's your connections that determine if you get bothered for it.

  • bigmouth

    In the early 80's a super short haircut was a no-no in the Org. It was felt that householders may view it as 'a political statement' meaning that members of the NF, neo-nazis and skinheads had this appearance so it wasn't for dubs.

  • HalfWayThere

    Going back about 7 years now, there was a (white) bro in my congregation who came to the meeting one day with his head shaved. I can't remember exactly the story of why, I think it was due to some practical joke at a party or something like that, so he had to shave the rest of his hair off.

    Anyway, the elders removed him from privileges (he usually helped out with sound) and ordered him to wear a hat when out of field service until his hair grew back, lest he bring reproach upon the borg.

    On the subject of beards - the only person I remember having a beard in my cong was an elders wife. She must have been at least 70 I think, and had way too many hairs growing from her chin. It was very disturbing when looking at her. I think the elders definitely should have counseled her for that!

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    I am glad I still got hair at age 56! LOL!!

  • jayhawk1

    But what about all those Student Movements?

    I forget which Awake this is from...

    "Extreme hair styles can easily lead one into a trap of the Devil also, and cause others to stumble. For example, a young man in the United States was making fine progress in his study of the Bible, and he was moved to share with an experienced Witness in preaching to others about the good things he was learning from the Bible. From early youth he had let his beard grow, and since some in the business community wore beards, he felt that his wearing one in preaching to others would be acceptable generally. But in speaking to a lady he was unable to do more than introduce himself, when she said: "I'm sorry, young man, I do not want to become involved in student revolt." No amount of explanation after this sufficed to clear up the misimpression. After the conversation ended with the closing of the door, he asked the experienced Witness what had happened. He was invited to consider his appearance in relation to what he claimed to be, a servant of God. Not wanting to be responsible for even one person's being stumbled so as to miss the way to everlasting life, this new Kingdom publisher shaved off his beard. Would you be willing to do the same or to make similar adjustments if your appearance gave the wrong impression in a certain community?"

  • jayhawk1

    Nothing wrong with a neat trimmed beard.

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