Hi gang. How many speaker follies can you guys remember? I remember myself giving a presentation on the talking ass in Numbers 22 once. I couldn't help but smirk in a few of those scriptures. When I look back on those 5 minute assignments I can't help but laugh at this one. Verses 27 and and 28 made me giggle on more then one occasion.
Speaker Follies
by Butters 17 Replies latest jw friends
I gave a talk on the 'Marriage Arrangement' and almost blew it when I mentioned that men should love their wives even when their PMS lasted for more than a week.
I remember another time giving a talk on marijuana and thinking to myself how hypocritical it is to preach against one of God's plants, which does have medicinal value if used properly just like anything else (one would not smoke eggs), and the bible's word about "green herbs being good" in Genesis. I was thinking of being really honest, and showing some scientific facts, but that would not be very watchtowery of me.
rolling rock
Watchtowery... I like that word... LOL!!!
I thought first of using "Bethelishious" or "Witnessey"
I can never forget this one and felt sorry for the poor brother giving the public talk as he was so nervous.
When he came to the word "Hittites" he pronounced it "high titties." Just held in my laughter and shook and kept a straight face.
i cringed whenever we had a reading of the song of solomon. it's littered with sexual stuff.
and i've always wondered what any of it had to do with the bible that it should be included in it.
juni- that`s hysterical!
one brother gave a talk and said that we shouldn`t `curry flavour` instead of curry favour`, it made us laugh as he was a strict bethelite, ( who eventually had a fling with a sis in France)
I remember Trev giving a public talk about 10 years ago and quoting from T S Eliot's "The Hollow Men", which is his favourite poem. The quotes fitted in well with the material, but it had some of the audience baffled, as one brother asked him after the meeting which bible book it came from!
He obviously either hadn't been listening, or hadn't heard many of Trev's talks (the talk was at our kh), as he quoted from poetry now and again, if he considered it appropriate.
Song of Solomon is coming soon in the TMS (Thursday November 30th) - I notice they have assigned all of Chapter 7 and 4 verses of Chapter 8 - and yes you have guessed it , they have assigned it to a young teenage brother.