I don't find it the least bit appealing to even think of living forever under the jehovah's rule because he is such an egocentric god. Always worrying if you make him mad.
Would Everlasting Life under Jehovah's rulership appeal to you?
by frankiespeakin 18 Replies latest jw friends
Allegedly we are all going to be transformed into beings that are no longer capable of free thought, and the idea of sin will no longer enter our minds. We will be given new bodies that cannot die, and we will live forever planting corn.
Frannie Banannie
Not the way Jehovah is depicted in the bible. In one chapter god is commanding his people not to kill, then god's demanding that they kill a few thousand people in the next chapter. Sounds too schizo and unstable to me.
AND.....not the way the WTS has plans to administer that rulership over its victims.
I never really got that either.
My thinking always was around baseball. It's not a violent game, it's resonable to assume we'd play it.
But how can you hit the PERFECT pitch? After all, we'd be perfect in every way, hand eye coordination, muscle strength, and pitching strategy.
But how can you miss with the PERFECT swing?
I'd never want to be perfect. All the times I've stubbed my toe, it made my life interesting.
Perfect guy 1: "What did you do today?"
Perfect guy 2: "I planted corn in perfect rows, like I've done every year for the past few billion years."
Perfect guy 1: "Yeah, that sounds boring..."
Perfect guy 2: "You're telling me. We can't even have sex anymore, or else we'd overpopulate the earth."
Not to mention that the ammount of dead people would be far more than this planet can handle. I belive the maximum the earth can take was just about 6.5 billion.
People die every day of starvation. "Perfect Organization" or not, there would never be enough food to feed the billions that have died and were brought back. -
No,in real life I`d have to punch him out.. He`s a bully...OUTLAW
I quit!
Sure, it would be great. I mean what could be better than spending eternity under a guy who kills people for making fun of his name or kills them for smoking or not peddling his books and magazines. As long as you did everything you were told and were careful not to push any of his buttons you'd do just fine.
Personally I wouldn't mind giving it a chance . I think once you reach that spritual state then all those things such as human vices mean nothing .
Hi Frannie, I like how you picked up that one with the "Thou shalt not kill" bit, and then the massive attacks that he told Saul to carry out, and when Saul had mercy and spared Agag, and others when he was ordered to attack the Amelekites(1 Samuel 15), Jehovah was angry with him for sparing the life of some of the "enemies". How was any of this showing love to neighbor? I was told by the elders of course that "war is not murder" and the command only applied to domestic murder within the nation of brother or sister. Once again, that doesn't answer the question, it is merely an excuse. Loving neighbors, whether they live 10 feet or 10 miles apart don't kill each other, period. It becomes extrememly difficult to follow a Torah that is already hard enough, when you have a wishy washy God giving commands to kill. Of course, Moses makes a perfect candidate for this, since his ministerial field service hours started with the murder of an Egyptian that he buried in the sand. Come to think of it, the bible starts with a once murderous prophet and ends with one (Paul). If it were up to me, "I would say let peace be peace, and love be love. No Jesus no peace, know Jesus, know peace" (Butters 34:27)
Not at all, especially the thought of having to share it with 6 million jws. That would be my idea of hell.
Everlasting life under the rulership of God as the WTS interprets him, no; or living with JWs as the WTS controls their community and see it expanded worldwide, no?
I would rather live a short, but enjoyable and productive life than spend eternity under the control of the WTS.