When i was in the States, Texas to be accurate, i attended some congs and got to speak to a few people, and i couldn`t believe how many times individuals were d/f, sometimes 3 or 4 times, and they were also married the same times as well, in the so called `truth`. I did feel that it made a mockery of the `truth` as in England, most people are only d/f once, very rarily twice or more. I know America is more advanced in many areas, good things and bad, but i was shocked at the ratio out there. Anybody else noticed this?
Disfellowshipping in America- more commonplace
by dido 31 Replies latest jw friends
There was only one disfellowshipping in the congregation I was in for the 30 some years I was in the JW cult.
Ken P.
Well, I da'd, but would probably have been df'd if I hadn't took my own action, but there are people from the UK who have been df'd more than once on the board. I believe Crumpet is one, you could pm her to ask. I have noticed that some speak of being df'd more than once, but to be honest, I haven't really noticed that the USA has a greater incidence of it than here.
I knew a few in my old kh who came back and were reinstated after being df'd, but they were always regarded with suspicion by most of the cong afterwards, and if brothers, didn't get considered for appointments. What I don't understand is why anyone would want to go back to that crap anyway, having escaped it, though I haven't any family in the org, which would, I imagine, be a consideration.
Do you think disfellowshipping evolved over time or was created right from the beginning?
When I was in North Wales there was an elder sat with his wife. In the same congregation were his two ex wives, both of whom had been disfellowshipped for adultery and then re-instated. One of the ex-wives kept her married name, so when Sister X was asked to comment it upset the new Mrs. X. Britain has its fair share of very wayward congregations.
Linda, i agree why would anyone want to go back to that `crap` either, but just always wondered about how it was so different in the states to here regarding that. One of the elders that d/f me had himself been d/f and had climbed back up the ladder, (maybe because his step father was the PO)!
There were more faders than people being df'd in my experience. One congregation was an exception. It had a reputation of being a "lax" congregation and so attracted many JWs who wanted looser supervision. But eventually, the crap hit the fan and they progressed onto things that were more public. Getting arrested and getting your name in the paper.... Getting publicly bolder with df'ing activity so that even family members will no longer cover for you.
Last congregation, in 5 years, only 2 df'd and they were reinstated within a year. I wonder how many private reprovings there are though?
In the Illinois congregation that I attended there was one guy who'd been df'd several times and he kept coming back for more. I never did get to know him because most of the time we weren't allowed to speak to him. lol I can't remember what his problem was...I'm thinking something to do with immorality because I believe he was married a couple of times. (One assumes that he perhaps wasn't scripturally free to remarry...not certain, tho).
There was another gal who was df'd two or three times too. She had three kids, I'm thinking that they may have all had different fathers...or maybe there were only two men involved. This all happened before I knew her, so I'm fuzzy on the details. She was df'd...or maybe only reproved... while I knew her because she got together with a brother from our congo and was discovered. She then moved to TX and I heard that she'd been df'd there.
In the CT congo I don't remember anybody with multiple DFings. But by then, I was really on the fringes of the org so I'm sure I didn't know everything that was going on.
luna2 -`multiple disfellowshipping` sounds sort of rude doesn`t it? I bet they had a field day with the gossip in those congs!
Dansk- i think it was created by a bunch of old fogeys who were bored stiff and needed some entertainment! I bet your w/t study was interesting!
blondie- i bet there are LOADS of reprovings, we don`t know the half of it. I bet some elders on here could enlighten us about that!
The "person" that committed adultry wth my ex-wife has been DF'd three times. He's treated like a "prince" by all the elders while I'm treated like crap. Threy're all good friends with the ahole.
I'm not one known to kiss a** so maybe getting DF'd a couple of times is the way to go with these guys?
In the cong I referred to earlier, an elder (elder 'A') was disfellowshipped for his acts of infidelity. I believe his wife wouldn't divorce him at first, so he did it again (one of the women he went with was the wife of the other elder mentioned in my first post above). He left the congregation and got re-instated in another one, whereupon he married a divorced woman who had become a JW (don't know if her first husband was a JW).
Then, a couple in this same congregation split up because the wife went off with the study! Her ex-husband, would you believe, who had been the best man of elder 'A' who committed adultery, married elder 'A's ex-wife and brought her into the same congregation her first husband and his new wife attended!
Then, elder 'A' committed adultery again, his second wife moved away, and the last I heard he was attending yet another congregation to get reinstated!
The whole thing is a farce! I presume it's like Coronation Street (which I don't watch) with religious overtones.