Hurts so good?

by return visitor 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • return visitor
    return visitor


    thanks for the welcome, nice to be here.

    worst nightmare,

    No doubt what happened to that 16 year old was and still is unconcionable, somethings in life leave lifelong scars and I fully understand the bitterness you feel and probably always will. The point of the post was not to jsutify the WTS it was simply a question. I am not leaving the orgainzation with bitter feeling because of some wrong that either the congrigation or someone in the congrigation did to me. I'm leaving because I can no longer justify their teachings. I see how they hurt people and how they contribute to the hurt of others. But I also learned some wonderful truths along the way.

    I am trully sorry for your pain.



  • return visitor
    return visitor


    I think I've gained the same perspective.

    And Blondie,

    You're probably right!


  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    I'm just keeping it real. It happened. I don't view JW's as any better or worse than anyone else. We are all people residing in this world.
    Welcome to the board and enjoy the journey!

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    I would say that it gave me a bit more moral value then most people...

  • TheKings

    learning to be socially retarded kept me out of a lot of bad situations in high school...but come to think of kept me out of ALL situations.

  • jaguarbass

    How about if one is a false prophet we are to flee from them. I got that from the jw's

  • Tuesday

    I guess that being "no part of the world" taught me to not care what others thought of me, I think it backfired when I left though LOL

  • OnTheWayOut

    I'm with Blondie on this one;

    The best lesson you can learn is not to get involved with an organization or group that abuses its members like the WTS does.

    I have only learned that PT Barnum was right, that well-meaning people can be tools of an organization to oppress others.
    I love my wife dearly, I met her in the organization, but now I have to fear her turning me in to the elders and watch my step.

    Anything good from WT is outweighed by the mental abuse, the destruction of normal life (during faithful service and after).

  • parakeet

    RV: "Can anyone else relate a gem of truth that they would not know of except for the WTS?"

    Here are some sparkling gems of truth I might never have known if not for the WTS:

    1. Religious cults should be avoided.
    2. The WTS sanctions the death of innocent children with its senseless blood policy.
    3. Elderly JWs who were promised they would never die are now growing old and dying.
    4. The WTS/JWs forbid honest questioning about their doctrines.
    5. Any child raised as a JW is an abused child.

  • chiddy

    I forget everything as JW because ..........................................

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