The Watchtower printed a book "Worship the Only True God" in 2002. The front cover is a water scene of the ocean and dark mountains in background. Nothing extremely special. Guess What ? PHOTO CREDITS: Cover: U.S. Navy Photo Page 180: Children: UNITED NATIONS/J. Frank. Now since when does the Watchtower need to borrow pictures from the United Nations, or the US Navy ? There are lots of pretty pictures on the Internet to use.............why did they use these pictures ???
Not again!!!!
by mouthy 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals
maybe to see if anyone is paying attention
Mouthy..I`m not sure if it`s still in effect.The Rand Cam Engine Corp had a 500 million dollar contract with the US Navy..WBT$ owns 50% of Rand Cam...OUTLAW
Even if they had pulled the image off the net if the author has not released it they still according to copyright law have to cite the author of the photo. Having scored a number of pics off Wikipedia I have run into this before.
Sorry're barking up the wrong tree on this one. They are merely obeying the law in citing the author even if they didn't get it directly from the author.
***Page 180: Children: UNITED NATIONS/J. Frank.***
Maybe the WTS needed to use it to fulfill one of their UN-NGO obligations. :-) -
read good books
Their continuing their love hate relationship with the U.N. eventually maybe friendship with the U.N. will become a 'matter of consiounce' like all the other doctrinal changes when it becomes desirable for the WTS in their own interest to change, like voting now, or standing for the national anthem, etc., etc.
Parrot said;
Maybe the WTS needed to use it to fulfill one of their UN-NGO obligations. :-)
Mouthy? That was exactly MY thought when I read your post! It would sure make sense....the WTS-way.........
In my opinion The WT are CROOKS!!!!!
If anyone from Bethel is reading this PLEASE SUE ME!!!!! I think your murderers, liars, & demonistic....
Even if they had pulled the image off the net if the author has not released it they still according to copyright law have to cite the author of the photo. Having scored a number of pics off Wikipedia I have run into this before.
Sorry're barking up the wrong tree on this one. They are merely obeying the law in citing the author even if they didn't get it directly from the author.
Yes this is the right tree. Witnesses are given piles of rules about dealing with government entities, especially military. This excuse wouldn't cut it for the average dub. They could have (and if they were following their own rules should have) gotten suitable pictures elsewhere.
Hells Fairey
Maybe the WTS needed to use it to fulfill one of their UN-NGO obligations. :-)
They are taking the piss.....its one obsession with the 'wild beast' they seem to have..